7 months late

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Jade's POV

"I don't have time for this I'm gonna miss the campus tour," I say bitterly to the RA leaving him, his dorm rules, and all my stuff in my new dorm room.

I was speed walking across campus to where the tour was suppose to start at, as much as I'd love to hear all the boring dorm rules I'd rather know how the hell to find my classes tomorrow.

"Alright guys we're gonna get this tour started, if you'd all follow me this way," I hear the girl leading the tour say just as I join the back of the group. All of this rushing is stressing me out, normally I wouldn't care enough about stupid shit like this but I would prefer not getting kicked out of this arts school.

I mostly zoned out for the tour. I took in the campus and where things were located but I didn't care to listen to the "fun" facts or history behind these spots on campus, eventually we were heading to what I was excited most for which was the recording studio.

"Alright everyone right through these doors is where you're gonna find the recording studio, you'll be using the recording studio for any related assignments but you're also welcome to access it in your free time as well, just make sure you use the sign up sheet. Right now there are currently already a group or two of students in there so all I ask is that none of you get too excited," she finishes before opening the doors to lead our group in.

At first I found myself in total awe with how huge the entire place was. The building itself must've had 7 different recording rooms in it. We began walking through the halls and looking at all the different students working on projects.

We rounded the corner and I saw another group of students in another recording room, I glanced at each of them as we passed by but then our eyes met. Both of us were in shock with unreadable emotions but just as soon as my eyes had met hers, we were out of the recording building and heading to the next site.

My heart dropped. I broke off from the tour and immediately headed back to my dorm room. The RA tried to talk to me again but I slammed the door shut in his face and locked it then sat on my bed. I felt like I was going to throw up.

Why this school. Out of all the different art schools in LA why did she have to choose this one. I suddenly felt an wave of emotions starting to drown me. Breathing suddenly became harder.

"FUCK," I shout before I kick the dresser in the corner hard.

"You break it you buy it!" I heard the RA shout from the hall.

"NOT NOW REGGIE," I scream at him from my room even more angry.


I stomp over to the door angrily and pull it open violently. I turn my head to look reggie right in the eye and give the most murderous look I've possibly ever had.

"Someone's having a bad day," he mutters under his breath as he puts his arms up in surrender.

I bring myself back into my room and slam it shut again. Fuck. I let out another frustrated growl before I trash my room. I finally collapse onto my bed. One thing that hasn't changed in several years much less 7 months are my anger problems.

Why. Why why why. Why are you here Tori.

Tori's POV

"Tori you okay?" I feel a light hand rest on my shoulder and I'm instantly brought back to reality.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine," I lie as I turn back to Candace and Joey.

"You don't look okay," Joey points out in his deep but nasally voice.

Why do you hate me? (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now