The Wood

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Tori's POV

"Do you want something to drink?" Trina asked me.

"Uhh yeah sure," I replied.

"Great because I'm thirsty," she said holding out her hand for money. I shook my head before handing Trina some money for the vending machine.

While me and Trina were arguing about why she can't buy her own drink, some weird flying robot thing came to us and started shooting lasers at me so I beat it to the ground with my binder before hearing a screeching Robbie.


"Yeah cuz it was attacking us with lasers," I scoffed.

"And dumb," Trina added in before murmuring something about cameras and took off towards the stairs.

I went over to see what she was going on about and apparently there was a small crew trying to film but couldn't because Trina was blocking everything.

"What's going on?" I asked Lane.

"These guys are here trying to shoot a new reality tv show called the wood," he answered.

"We're trying time capture the life of teenagers in Hollywood," one of the crew added.

"I'm a teenager in Hollywood!" Trina mentioned desperately. The crew ignored her and went off to go and try getting some other shots.

"They're gonna be holding auditions in the black box after school," Lane mentioned before leaving to go catch up with them.

"Hey that could be cool right?" I ask Andre and Beck.

"Uh I don't know, acting means the world to me so to be on a reality tv show..." beck trailed off unsure.

"Yeah I guess, but it'll be fun and great experience, can't hurt to audition right?" I say giving him a small smile.

Jade's POV

I'm standing in the back of the black box now with a handful of other people to watch the auditions for this stupid reality tv show while I wait to audition myself.

I wasn't necessarily a fan about the idea, but it was exposure and a great opportunity and if Vega was trying out, I couldn't let her beat me. Speaking of which, little miss sally peaches was up for her audition right now.

"Heyyy, Tori Vega, girl," she says lamely pointing to herself.

"We can tell," one of the guys says.

"Relax, we're just trying to get a feel for your personality," the other says.

"Feel away," Vega says making me cringe.

"What's the worst thing you've ever done," one of the two ask.

"Oh. Oh wow, uhhh oh I know! Okay so I sprayed hot cheese all over my friend and her current boyfriend was my ex boyfriend and then I kissed him right in front of her which I felt REALLY bad about and then it was okay cuz she punched me right in the face," Vega rambled out.

"Put a Star next to that one," I heard one of the producers mumble to the casting assistant.

"NEXT!" The other one called out.

Soon Andre, Beck, Trina, and Robbie all went up to audition as well, the annoying casting assistant almost got her head chewed off by me after she oh so desperately shouted at beck asking if he had a girlfriend in the middle of his audition. After what seemed like forever it was finally my turn.

"Okay Jade, what do you hate?" One of the producers asked me. We're gonna be here a while I thought.

"Tuna fish, flowers, giggling, the word panties, cilantro, rainbows, ducks, man I hate ducks, cramps, string cheese, Vega, clocks, wet doorknobs, bras that hook in the front, the color yellow, carpeting," I continue on for what feels like another 5 minutes.

Why do you hate me? (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now