Tori and Jade's Playdate

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Tori's POV
Today Sikowitz had us doing some weird bad news exercise. He basically made cat and Robbie sing a song to a little boy who's bike he ran over.

After that mess was over he announced there was going to be a new play going on and that he would go around with a hat full of roles to play to make it fair

"Andre pick a role," sikowitz tells him.

"Tommy, 10 year old identical twin brother of Carter," he reads the card aloud.

"Carter, 10 year old identical twin brother of Tommy," Beck reads his card.

"That mama got some explaining to do," Andre jokes.

"Jade pick a role," sikowitz tells the goth after maneuvering his way around the students seats making car noises.

"Nancy, loving wife of astronaut Walter Swayne," she reads off her card. Sikowitz makes more car noises maneuvering the box away from Robbie who was about to pick over to me.

"Astronaut Walter Swayne, husband of Nancy?!" I say shocked giving a look over to Jade who is equally as shocked.

"I'm suppose to play her wife?!" Jade asks angrily.

"I'll just pick another card," I say anxiously about to put mine back.

"No!!! My box has spoken," Sikowitz says taking the box back up to the front.


As the bell rings to get to class I run into Jade.

"I don't wanna be your wife for the play," she complains.

"Well I don't wanna be your HUSBAND in the play," I shoot back.

"Oh," she says sarcastically before walking away.

"Oh," I repeat mocking her.


We were stuck in the middle of the black box theater for rehearsal. God this was awful. I mean sure jade had her moments where she could be pleasant but those were rare, she was mostly always a gank. This play was no exception.

When I in the middle of trying to fall asleep over her while talking as indicated by my narcoleptic character I saw her twitch back in disgust when it happened and that's when Sikowitz finally pulled the plug.

He claimed we were ruining the play. I mean hey we're both great actors but we can't make miracles happen and loving each other would take a miracle to happen.

"You two meet me at Nozu at 7pm!"

"But what if we don't want to-"

"7PM!" He repeats before leaving. Well then guess that's that.


"Alright so why are we here?" Jade asks annoyed.

"Because you two need to learn to play a husband and wife believably," he answers.

"What does that have to do with sushi?!" I complain.

"Listen," he starts, "I once had to play a role of a man in great pain, so to prepare, I threw myself down a flight of stairs. You wouldn't BELIEVE how many time I hit my head. Now to prepare for your roles, you two must date."

I almost start choking on my own air after he says that, I don't dare look at Jade's reaction because I can already feel my face heating up.

"So, have fun," sikowitz finishes then gets up to leave.

"With what?" I ask.

"Your date," he answers.

"What date?" Jade asks now.

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