I still love you

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Tori's POV

I sat snuggled up under benji's arm eating lunch with Candace and Raegon. Candace and Raegon had recently started dating about a month ago, me and benji were all for it, Raegon was single for too long, he deserved a nice girl like Candace.

While we were in the middle of eating and laughing about stupid stuff, we all stopped as we saw the black haired girl with her signature turquoise highlights pass by the cafeteria through the windows.

"How have you been holding up babe?" Benji's voice snaps me back to reality.

"As good as someone in my situation can I guess," I answer.

"Have you had any classes with her?" Raegon asks me.

"Not yet. It's only been one day though and knowing her we'll probably end up having at least one class together..." I trail off now poking at my food suddenly losing my appetite.

"Try not to think about it too much, if you get stuck in a class with her just avoid her," benji tries to reassure me with a tight squeeze of his arm. It helps a little. "Do you wanna spend another night with me?"

"If I can get past your RA, most definitely," I say.

Jade's POV

I wake up late. I don't freak out though. I don't really have it in myself to care too much. I get up and look at myself in the mirror. I sigh and brush out a bit of my bed head, it wasn't perfect but it was adequate.

I lazily grabbed my leather jacket and slip it on after brushing my teeth then head out. I take my time getting to class. I'm already late, no point in rushing to get there. It was a three hour class normally but since I was about an hour late it shouldn't be too intolerable.

I made my entrance into the songwriting class and scanned the room for a free seat. I glanced around and spotted out 4 different open seats but I couldn't help but smirk while walking to one seeing who was sitting a row ahead.

I'll admit I lost my cool a bit the last two days, but I've had enough time to recompose myself. It seemed like the class was in the middle of group work related things so I didn't have to worry about being quiet. I strutted up to my seat and plopped my legs up on the table.

She hasn't realized I was there yet til I spoke.

"Any of you losers got a pencil." Her head whipped around so fast I'm surprised she didn't break her neck. The girl next to her extended a pencil my way.

"Oh Vega I didn't see you there," I say sarcastically as I grab the pencil from the girl next to her.

"Wait is that the girl," I hear the blonde next to her whisper not so discreetly.

"Wow I haven't even been here a week yet and all your friends already know who I am? I don't know if I should feel honored or attacked." She refuses to acknowledge me.

The teacher finally notices me.

"You there, what's your name?" She asks.

"West," I respond and watch her go down her attendance list.

"Alright miss west you've missed quite a bit from the first hour, let's see who can help you catch up," she taps her chin in thought as she glances around the room. "Tori!" I watch the latina go rigid as a grin starts to grow on my face. "I've heard a lot of good things from your other professors, would you mind helping out miss west play catch up?"

I watch her nod hesitantly knowing she can't refuse the professor.

"Candace dear would you switch seats with miss west for the time being?" The teacher addresses the blonde that gave me a pencil. She gets up and gives me a dirty look while I respond with an unaffected smirk as I walk over the desk rather than around it and take the seat the blonde had previously occupied next to my history.

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