Tori and Jade's Playdate pt 2

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Tori's POV
My eyes slowly started to flutter open. I snuggled deeper into the warmth beside me before I recalled where I was at. I was in Jade freaking West's bedroom, snuggled into her side, her arm draped tightly around me.

I could feel my face heat up a bit recalling everything that had happened the previous night. As much I hate Sikowitz for forcing us on that fake date, it ended up leading us here and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like being cuddled up with Jade.

I mean sure she was awful and mean and rude, but she was also so warm... and there was something fun about being snuggled up in the arms of the scariest person in possibly the entire world. I guess I liked the idea that I was the only one that currently had this type of access to this terrifying goth, it sort of made me feel special.

I pulled my head back from where it had been resting in the crook of her neck so I could watch her vulnerable sleeping face. It didn't seem to be a minute later that I saw those piercing blue-green icy eyes shoot open.

"You're staring," she finally croaks out a minute later. God that morning voice. Wait- what am I saying?!

"What's wrong with staring?!" I suddenly say defensively.

"It's weird," she replies still holding my eye contact.

"Well you're staring too!" I argue.

"You can't prove that."


"No I'm not," she lies.

"Forget you," I say starting to turn to my side.

"No!" She says annoyed grabbing my face in her hands and forcing me to continue facing her. "I didn't say you could stop."

I feel my face to start to heat up before I get a glance at the clock on the wall.

"HOLY SHIT WE'RE SO LATE!" I panic seeing that it's 10:00am now.

"Ugh who cares, it's Sikowitz's fault we were even up so late to begin with let's just skip school today and then go to the play when it's time," she says annoyed.

"We can't skip! God I'm so dead my parents are gonna kill me!" I say panicked now grabbing my clothes from the previous night and walking to the bathroom.

Just as I'm reaching for the knob a hand grips my wrist stopping me and roughly spins me around now having me forced back against the door. My heart is pounding out of my chest now looking at the dark icy eyes piercing my own.

"We've already missed nearly half of school, by the time we get there we WILL have missed half of the day, we're not going."

"Jade," I say sternly trying to give her my serious face.

"Tori," she growls back making my heart stop for a second.

"Fine just let go of me," I say avoiding eye contact now and squirming under her grip.

"Fine," she says letting go. I rub my wrists now that they're free only to have the goths arms wrap around my thighs and tossing me over her shoulder making me scream thinking I was about to fall face first into the floor but was then brought and thrown back onto the bed.

"Jade!" I cry out between a couple of laughs as pulls me back up into her arms and forces us back into a cuddled laying position on her bed.

"Now go back to staring at me," she says wearing a cute smirk on her face.

"This is harassment!" I say putting my hand to her face and pushing it back.

"Nope you signed up for this the second you stepped foot into this room Vega," I can see the little mischievous glint in her eyes now making me smile.

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