StuPid QuestIons anD realiZations

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If you were gay and your clothes are homophobic would they try to kill you if you put them on?
(I know fear shirts with the word straight on them)

If a catipillar crawled inside your ear how would it get out?
(Asked my gf and friends this. They thought I was on a drug)

If a furry cat and a furry bunny had a kid. What in Satan's name would it look like?

Faded AF is Faded AF backwards.

Can midgets have big dreams?

If we always have to do something by seeing it. How did the first people learn things?

Why Is there a blue Catipillar smoking drugs in a KID movie?

When you clean a vacuum cleaner cleaner you become a vacuum

If you throw a rock in a lake you could be the last person to touch that rock until the end of time

If you drop soap on the floor is the floor clean or the soap dirty?

The brain named itself

If humans can see water can fish see air?

You are 65% Jesus

If you were born deaf what language would you speak?

What does water taste like?

If God sneezes what would you say?

Do Jewish vampires still avoid crosses?

When Atheist (or I) go to court, do they have to swear on the Bible?

What do people in China call there good plates?

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, ‘I think I’ll squeeze these dangly things here and drink whatever comes out’?
(I have asked this question too many times...)

Whats Satan's last name?

Mary is a virgin and got pregnant. One of the three Wise men gave Jesus a drug.

Who was the first person with a daddy kink?

Why does Alabama have incest jokes when Michigan is so much worse? (I'm just wondering this one)

If to people on opposite sides of the world dropped there bred at the same time. The world would momentarily be a sandwich.

(I promise I'm not on a drug.)

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