My Dumbass mind

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Right now:

Anxiety (Lixian as I call him): What if ur GF is having a depression episode again? She's been drawing sad things ya know. And what about that Floridian person or whatever. Is she ok? I mean you don't half to check on them just wondering.

Murderer child (Disney): I wonder if those annoying people from school that u act like there friends have finally committed suicide?

Lixian: but does she really want them dead?

Disney: good point! Do you really?

Left brain (Finley): shut up and let her do her work. She has a lot to do and she's already stressed enough dealing with you alone since Isaya is dead and can't help her handle you guys!

Lixian- oh yeah he's dead. Guess u got no one to talk to! And ur GF prbly reads this story and not just the Floridian boi!

Right brain: but she never wanted to get anyone involved with there problems! C'mon I just got her happy!

Lixian- oh right she didn't! But yet we got her to write this so hah! Just to give her more anxiety about having people worry about her so they feel worse! HaH I love my job!

Disney- we make a good team!

Lixian- yeah! Let's terrorize her more!

Me:  -just trying to finish a drawing- qwq

I hate my mind.... I hate lixian. Ehhhhbb

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