Still dead

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I'm still dead. Just felt bad that I left all sad. Been having sad nightmares? Flashbacks? Whatever. Anyway, Wanted to wait till I was really happy! qvq didn't work out. So I'm my normal...strange self. Writing this on a bus is hard. Only good thing is the bus doesn't smell like vomit anymore! Anyway... Just wanted to say happy things so there is no more edge. 

Question. How do you convince people you don't have a kill list even though you do? Hehehe... 

I'm edgy af. But it's not my fault I hate almost everyone in my fucking school. It was hard enough not to laugh when I learned my slutty ex cuts her thighs.... Dear god I have issues. Doesn't help I am from Alabama cause that makes more jokes of how people from Alabama are crazy. 

hAh a gay and insane Alabamian who befriends depressed people and greatest friend who was a hallucination fucking died. Sounds like me alright. Oh wait I'm the fUkIng 80S kInG! 

Oop Nvm I accidentally said I have a kill list during school.  Reet. Any way see you in the deeper hell that I'm in when I actually get back. Until then no bitches get sad, or sadder than they are and ...ummmm *error noises* I dunno. Ima find some kazooz and worm on string and lay in my floor. Or finish the drawings for Flori. Either way ima lay in the floor. 

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