Im ded again

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hello mortals. im in hell now, living is just the first torcher session

nah im fine. probably a little better since im less stressed.

why i do this, lixian tempted me. yeahhh hes a hallucination now. we used to hate eachother, now its a love hate. he wont admit it tho. I WILL make him! 

choroni virus is mean, but  im mainly at home now so ehhhhhh. all i do is sleep, draw, maybr take another nap, comfort depressed girlfriend, bother lixian until he calls me a usless faggot and to put down the coffee creamer before anyone gets hurt.               usual life.

I learned every edge ball i know compaires there life to the song Welcome to my life, My R, ect. they also are one of the most dramatic people on the human race, behind vegans, the gay (me), and sassy bitches. no offence but it is true. and im a bitch that does not care about manys feelings so if offended suck yo daddys cock and get over it.

OHHHH I also learned that My ex-girlfriends relationship is like me and comrade floris! we talked on the phone always which in the back of my mind drove me crazy, me trying to help with sad didnt help shit, and I was ALWAYS stressed out of my mind.

but I care for flori tho, just if we didnt have to always talk and such i would have been fine. *confused emotions noises* 

Oh Lixian said Hi and fuck you.

any way hows my mentaly insane childrens life been? mine is chaos in my mind, LiKe ALwAyS!!!!!

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