My son is stupid

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So I call one of my friends my son, bc to me he is, and he calls me mom. It makes no sense because he's older and taller than me but eh.

I was talking to my fabulous girlfriend like usual during gym and he walks up to us and tells us he dug his grave, DOESN'T TELL US WHY!

and leaves, we had to chase the fucker down to get him to tell us. But he just gave us a story his gf made him (I call her a slut bc she is but I can't really say it out loud) I read the first two paragraphs and it's straight up SIN. I stopped reading it after that bc the slut called my son daddy and that was the end of my life.

He came back at random times saying it was worse and I be here like 'you dumb fuck throw it away' in me mind.  Then every time he tried to hide from the sin and get behind me my girlfriend got pissed and ran him off.

qwo either way my son is stupid and doesn't know when to stop being a pain.

The fucker is dumb as shit at times. But he's my son and gave me gum so I have to love him. My daughter Alex (I sure as hell hope I got that right) says she swears he's adopted.... I'ma just accept it at some point. Not now tho.

Heheheheh I stole all the hot hands from me siblings.

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