[xi] BOTTOM.

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boss zoë 🤪

10:09 AM

Y/N L/N!

Answer your phone!


What are you even doing at
10 am? It's literally break
time, girly. Answer or I fire

Kidding, kidding lolol

....boss i am currently finishing
the research sir moblit gave to
me, i'll answer you later!

Pshh, you still follow his orders?

yes... he is my superior... just like

Who says I follow MY orders?


Anyways! I need another
science meme, pleaseeee?

Floch just told me to "bugger
off" and that I should waste my
time on something useful.

Which is boring, by the way!

kinda true but ok.

i'm literally holding a test tube
with acid and you want me to
send a meme?

If you do so, you'll be my
personal lovely meme dealer


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sent 10:12 am

Ah yes, this suits Floch the

He is like an electron, truly
negative and can't have the
best time even if the situation
calls for it. Brooding mf.

I see that you truly want to be
my meme dealer, why tho? 🤔

uhhh so you can stop nagging
me if i do send an inappropriate

I still remember that. I am
speechless tbh but now I
understand why Springer
teases you as someone kinky.

can we PLEASE drop that? i'm
not kinky!

I have a question though

if it's personal, i won't be
answering it.

Are you a bottom?

goodbye, boss.

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