[xv] BATH.

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boss zoë 🤪

11:23 PM
boss? you there?

this is usually the time you ask
me for memes

or did floch kill you? that scene
with floch was hilarious by the
way i caught it all on camera

he really did trash the lobby
though and the receptionist is
scared af

they woke up and texted me that
they could still see his scary
handsome face

don't know if it's a good thing or
a bad thing

what surprised me the most was
how he yelled at me to fuck off and
to suck my great grandmother's
dick since it's probably the only
great thing i can do ever since i
was born

i was offended tbh but it was
funny too

i actually know him but only his
last name and i did not know his

as weird as it is, he's actually uh
fucking my friend in his law firm

i know, it's weird don't ask me
about it please


helloooooooooo, you're usually
the one bothering me tbh

do you want some meMEs 🤪🤙

do i sound clingy? oh god i probably
do im so sorry 😭

Heya, no need to worry.

I was taking a bath! Want me to
send you a picture?


I'm fully clothed...

Anyways, so Floch has a sugar
baby in his office? Tsk tsk, that
kinky ass. Now I have something
to blackmail him with.

And he tells ME how bad it is to
have a relationship with someone
you work with.

What kind of bs!

i mean he kinda has a point,,,

Pshh, no! Love is love, Y/N.
Don't tell me you won't think of
dating me?


I think we're a perfect match uwu

Moblit says so.


Haha nothing, silly!

Oh right, send a meme please.
I wanna scare Moblit with a
simple weird meme.



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I am disturbed but I think it
means that your meme is
great. Thanks Y/N!

I'll ask more tomorrow, we
can scare Floch again.

Good night and sleep tight!

yea you too...

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