Chapter 20

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It's the day of the tournament and Team B was waiting in the hallway with Hikaru and Kaoru telling ghosts stories and scaring Kazukiyo. The hallway was decorated perfectly to be a haunted castle and it was quiet except for the Hitachiin's voices.

"Would you two knock it off?" She questioned and pushed the twin backwards as Haruhi tried to help the president, but failing.

The five of them soon heard something falling down the stairs and Haruhi noticed a shadow. The team all went to the staircase to see a skull falling down, "Wow..." Aimi poked it.

"It's not your turn guys!" Hikaru pushed Aimi back a little, "Follow the rules~" He said and kicked the skull back up the stairs.

"Yeah! You tell them!" Kaoru cheered.

"My skull... You kicked my skull... Why did you kick... My skull!?" A person asked from on top of the stairs.

"Haruhi..." Aimi stood up and looked at her younger sister.

Haruhi nodded, "Everyone, just follow Aimi," She said.

"Follow Aimi?" Kazukiyo asked.

Aimi tied her hair up into a messy bun and ran up the stairs, "Follow the rules!" She shouted and kicked the person in the gut before making them hit their hand knocking them out. She carried on going upstairs with the others following her quietly.

"Haruhi... Explain?" Kaoru prompted.

"Oh, she's rarely scared of horror things," Haruhi told them.

As they ran through the halls more skulls and pumpkins rolled towards them. Aimi grabbed hold of Kaoru's hand insistently and dodged the skulls and pumpkins with ease, "Careful guys," She said and soon carried on.

"BOO!" A voice said causing the group to split up. Kazukiyo ran ahead of Aimi and Kaoru.

"Let's go," Aimi said and the two of them not noticing Haruhi and Hikaru went the other direction, the two follow their class representative.

Kaoru speeds up pulling Aimi with him, "Class rep slow down!" He said and the three of them were pushed into a room then it was locked, "Hikaru?! HIKARU!" He started pounding on the door, "Damnit! They really got us huh?!"

Aimi looked at Kazukiyo and sat beside him, "Kaoru, stop someone will let us out soon and if not I'll break the door down eventually," She said.

"Why not now?" Kaoru sat the other side of Kazukiyo.

"I'm out of breath," Aimi told him, "It's rather I fight or run anymore so it'll take me a while, I'm sorry boys."

"It's okay Fujioka-Chan," Kazukiyo said but isn't happy about the fact.

"Damn our plans are messed up," Kaoru said and Kazukiyo looked at him, "We had it all planned out, down to the last detail. We'd scare Momoka half to death and have you go in a rescue her," Kaoru said.

"Which one are you?" Kazukiyo asked.

"I'm Kaoru," Kaoru said.

"You'd do that for me Kaoru?" Kazukiyo asked.

"Well it's not that we decided on our own, we had Aimi hitting us when we thought about scaring you more," Kaoru chuckled nervously, "We'll still help us, it's what we decided."

"And it's what we'll do," Aimi stood up and removed her jacket putting it over Kazukiyo, "Hold that for me please."

Kaoru looked at her, "What are you doing Aimi?" He stood up looking at her.

Aimi looked at the door, she ran to it, twisted her body banging into it trying to open it, didn't budge, again, didn't budge, again, didn't budge, again, didn't budge.

"Aimi!" Kaoru pulled her away, "You're going to hurt yourself, stop it!"

Aimi got out of his hold, "I'm fine, besides I think walls are closing in on class rep," Aimi ran away and banged into door falling down as the door broke. She groaned getting up holding her arm that was hurting, "Keep hold of my jacket Kazukiyo, I can't," She told him.

"Aimi..." Kaoru rushed to her, "Why did you do that? You're so reckless!"

"Shut up," Aimi muttered and began walking, "I need... To find... Haruhi..." She muttered as she walked back they came with Kaoru and Kazukiyo behind her, "Haruhi... I'm coming..."

"She really loves her younger brother..." Kazukiyo said and Kaoru looked at him, "I guess Hikaru is the same with you... Twins... It isn't all shits and giggles but the bond is unbreakable..."

"That's right..." Kaoru nodded.

"There're girls saying that Aimi left and never cared about Haruhi... And how she's more focused on the other hosts that her younger brother... I believed it at first, it's harsh of me to say I know... But seeing her just then and now... Proves that she loves her brother and will go to the ends of the earth for Haruhi," Kazukiyo said.

"Quit moving around Hikaru, you're making it difficult," Haruhi's voice came from beside him, "I know it's uncomfortable, just bare with it."

Aimi and Kaoru looked up to see the two first years stuck in a net, "You two okay?" Aimi called out.

"Aimi?! Is Kaoru with you?!" Hikaru asked.

"Looking uncomfortable..." Kaoru chuckled and winced as Haruhi cut them free and they fell to the ground, Hikaru cushioning Haruhi's fall.

Haruhi rushed to Aimi and hugged her, "Ouch..." Aimi mumbled and Haruhi looked at her arm, "I'm sorry, I needed to find you and ended up hurting myself in the process," She said and they all started walking after the pair of twins reuniting.

"Aimi want me to carry you?" Hikaru asked.

"It's my arm Hikaru, I'll be fine when I've got ice on it or something to cool it down," Aimi said and smiled at him, "Thank you though," She added.

The team walked to the meeting place of the others, "There they are! Well done guys you completed it," Renge looked at Aimi and gasped, "First-aid kit now!"

Aimi walked out of the room and saw Nekozawa, "Scare us and I'll rip off your dick and feed it to you!" She yelled and the class looked to see Nekozawa running away from her.

Renge took Aimi to a corner and began treating Aimi's arm, "What happened?" Renge asked her and Aimi explained what happened, "It wasn't any of us, promise."

"I know exactly who it was then... Or who started it because of his jealous," Aimi rolled her eyes and the hosts and the manager clicked on.

"You're joking..." Hikaru questioned.

"Nope, I noticed when I kicked him," Aimi looked at them, "It was Tamaki," She glared.

Haruhi sighed and texted Tamaki, Aimi had given her Tamaki's number in case of emergencies, "Oh Haruhi! It's rare for you to call daddy!" Tamaki shouted through the call.

"Your little prank has now got Renge treating Neechan's arm. Who was the idiot that locked her, Kaoru and our class rep up in a room?!" Haruhi questioned.

"Wait... Aimi's hurt?!" Tamaki panicked, "She kicked me, where's the love?!"

"You're not my twin sister, I'm also in pain because of her pain!" Haruhi snapped, "You're an idiot and don't expect Aimi to go easy on you tomorrow," She hung up and sighed, "Aimi, shall we go home now?"

"Home?" The Hitachiin twins questioned.

"Yeah, I'm moving in today and dad this weekend," Haruhi told them and Aimi stood up.

"See you guys tomorrow and thanks Renge, my arm is okay now," She said and smirked, "I know, what to do... There will be no reports of our class members being the Captain of All Cowards, Haruhi let's go to the newspaper club, they should still be there," Aimi smirked evilly and walked out with Haruhi behind her.

"What are you going to do?" Haruhi asked carrying their coats and bags.

"Tamaki is going to pay," Aimi told her sister before walking into the Newspaper Club room.

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