two. the fight

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐎 ─ the fight,

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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐎 ─ the fight,


Merlyn didn't make the guards' job easy, she struggled to escape their grasp by hitting them and squirming uncontrollably but it seemed to all be in vain as two knights also joined the battle to get her into a prison cell. The knights each held an arm while the two guards escorted them all down the wrought iron staircase and opened a cell, widely gesturing for the knights to throw Merlyn in. They seemed to forget their chivalry as they quite literally tossed Merlyn to the ground roughly and slammed the cell door behind her. The guards were sat a little ways down the corridor ─ out of sight but still in earshot and Merlyn rolled her eyes as she heard them chatter of the commotion she'd caused.

The girl, while young, wasn't stupid and knew she'd be kept in the dingy dungeon until the next morning at the very least, so, instead of wallowing in her own self pity Merlyn bunched the hay from the ground together into a small pile and tried to make herself comfortable. One would have expected her back to ache horribly but one of the perks of growing up in a town as poor and forgotten as Ealdor was that she'd never known any luxury and the discomfort of stone walls was familiar, even the hay that stuck into her from all angles reminded her of home. Even so, the situation wasn't ideal and she prayed she'd be let out as early as possible.

There were no visitors as night fell and Merlyn felt a little downtrodden that Gaius hadn't come to see her, she wouldn't have even minded if he scolded her, the company would've been nice. The birds stopped chirping and the square fell silent as the night progressed, though Merlyn was sat, wide-eyed and alone, haunted by the voice that continually called out her name.

"Merlyn ... Merlyn."

With a growl of frustration, Merlyn lay her head on the hay, the rest of her body on the dirty floor and forced her eyes closed. She'd be no good to anybody with no sleep so she untied her hair and let it fall around her shoulders, down her back and finally settled down for a rough sleep on a makeshift bed.


Early in the morning Merlyn awoke to the same rough voice calling out for her and it was beginning to grate on her patience. The ominous voice seemed to edge closer to where she lay, causing her to jump up and skirt around the walls to the opposite end of the cell ─ she wondered what it was about Camelot that attracted trouble. Of course, it had a reputation of being the best kingdom but she'd hardly been there two days and she'd gotten into enough trouble to have spent the night in the dungeons.

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