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ps: taeyong is 4 years older than seulgi here.


"I am gonna ask you one more time," Kang Seulgi pursed her lips together while she huffs a breath of frustration. "You saw us last night?" Her gazed pierced through the eyes of her latest victim, a grade twelve student.

Wendy just scratched her head and leaned over a wall, "Just let her go and get her money Seul, she's kid." Wendy's eyes were roamed for potential saviors.

"Hell with that." Seulgi remarked and gave the student a loud slap on the face. The painful move resulted to a large yelp and a burst of tears. "I swear! I d-didn't see you last night! I-I even—"

Seulgi just rolled her eyes and pushed the student on the wall. Yeri's eyes screamed for help as she stared at the bully. "P-Please, let me g-go—"

As much as Seulgi wanted to let this go, she can't. Why?

She leaned closer to yeri, clasping an ear only to whisper, "Are you going to tell this to your father?" One hand carefully roams around Yeri's buttons down from her torso to her side pocket, grabbing the latter's wallet.

Yeri shook her head in fear. "N-No—" She was really scared of her. At first, she didn't want to believe the stories that are littered around her school area. An infamous bully who beats whoever she wants to. All that she want is for this scenario to stop. She didn't even intend to see Seulgi talking to a random stranger at night, handing a gun to her.

But of course to live, she had to lie about that.

"Good." Seulgi pat Yeri's head like a dog and tossed her wallet to Wendy. "Nice!" Wendy smirked from the touch of the leather wallet. "I even heard that the principal's daughter have lots of money."

As Seulgi's grip faltered from her, Yeri suddenly pushed her away and screamed help on top of her lungs. "Go away!" The student got rid of her bag and ran for her life and got Seulgi muttering a low, "Shit!"

"We're dead." Wendy ran after Yeri while Seulgi followed. "That kid doesn't shut up!"

"Help me please!" Yeri ran through an empty road, eyes looking for someone who could save her. Stores were closed at seven o clock in the evening and that part of the district was quite not crowded.

Not until she saw one who was holding a brown paper bag filled with groceries. "M-Mister—" Her voice trembled in panic, "H-Help me I need to—" She began to cling on him, wanting some validation that she's been hoarded.

Lee Taeyong quickly brushed Yeri's hands off, "Sorry kid." Then stepped away only to stop when she saw a raging jet black haired girl in anger. "Don't mingle here." Seulgi warned Taeyong as she approached him. "She's ours." Wendy also showed up at the corner of the street, deeply sighing.

"S-Sir—" Yeri crept behind Taeyong, "P-Please—" She was just so scared. She doesn't know what Seulgi's capable of. All that she wanted was to go home safely.

With Yeri's sentiments, Taeyong finally spoke up in a firm voice. "Fucking gangster wannabes." Augh, I hated these kinds of scenes but yet they're very interesting.

"What?" Seulgi asked in confusion.

"Don't mess with the kid." Taeyong's piercing eyes stared through her rebellious doors. "Leave her alone." Taeyong pleaded in a monotonous voice. "Stop acting like you're a motherfucking walking horror when you're just a pest."

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