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"You ready?"

Two words and Seulgi almost lost it. She begins to regret her past decisions. I should've backed out. Augh Seulgi!


"You should wait here. I'm just gonna talk to the boys." Mark gave her a wink before closing the door.

Why am I scared? I got myself into this because of that stupid gun and initiation!

Kang Seulgi looks around. It was an empty room. There are a few empty beer bottles nearby and a huge bed. There's also a window nearby but it was quite small. If she can escape, she can use it but it seemed to be far from the ground. 

Seulgi sits on the bed and tried to calm herself down. She drapes on her hood and controlled her breathing. A few more minutes pass and the moon helps in illuminating the dark room. Seulgi's milky thighs touch the messy bedsheet as she swings her legs in midair.

She walks towards the window and started admiring the moon. She calms herself with the view but then a certain memory started playing inside her mind.

"You're such a slut Seulgi. A girl for a one night stand."

Why am I even thinking of him!? But shit, that dude worried me a bit. What if he gets shot? Will I be in jail too? Why did he act like he's a prince? I don't know him but why is he always following me!? 

"What the fuck?" She whispered. "What is up with him suddenly showing up like that?" She started talking to herself. "Were those pills expired? Augh, he's now going to tell Cal everything and—"


"—Cal's going to kill me. He's nothing but a stupid motherfucker—"


Seulgi turns her back against the window, lightly pressing. "But why is he showing up like that? Was he—" Her words faltered at the end of her question. Concerned?

"But why would he be!? We just met a couple of—" She stops talking to herself when someone suddenly pulled her hair from the back. "Bitch I---"

"Peek-a-boo princess." Taeyong widely smiles at her and Seulgi can't believe her eyes. What is he doing here? Why do I feel—relieved?

"W-What are you doing here?" She stuttered, almost blushing but confused. "You're not supposed to be here. You l-left right?"

Taeyong rolled both of his eyes before glancing behind him. He turns alert since anything might happen. Returning his attention to Seulgi, "What do you think I'm doing? Floating around and admiring the moon?" He tells her sarcastically. "I'm your prince and I'm ready for my—"

"I am not a damsel in distress." She argued in a hushed tune since she's starting to hear footsteps coming towards the room.

"—Dragon." Taeyong ends his sentence. "You? A damsel? You resemble a dragon better."

"Damn you." So what, I'm like motherfucking Daerenys the Princess of Dragons? Her heart thumped against her chest, eyes glued on the door. Oh no. You have got to be kidding me. 

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