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"Okay fine." Taeyong gave up. "You want fun? I'll show you fun." Maybe she lacked different perspectives. I'll try to show you that princess.

"W-What?" Seulgi wide eyed asked him to which Taeyong only replied with a, "You're so precious." I can't let you ruin yourself like I did. Then he held her hand and ran towards the city. Wendy's house was just near Myeongdong but still they had to catch the bus. Near the bus stop, Seulgi's vision fell at the way that Taeyong was holding her.

"Hey!" Seulgi protested when she finally realized that he was holding her hand all along. She tried to pause on her tracks and withdraw her hands. "L-Let go!"

Taeyong didn't listen and instead held onto her hand tighter. When they reached the bus stop, the two found themselves catching their breath, especially Seulgi. "Whew, that was nice Cardio."

"Cardio your ass." Seulgi's eyes landed on their linked hands again and grabbed the opportunity to retract her hand. "Pervert." She whispered. Taeyong seemed amused of her action. "I never thought that it'll be disrespectful for you. You love fun right?"

Seulgi's face went sour. "Excuse your flat ass! It doesn't mean that I'm into something wild is that I'm letting myself be swarmed by men-"

"Well, you almost got raped a night ago." Taeyong informed her before giving her a foolish wink. "If it weren't for me."

Seulgi got taken aback by his response. He's got a point but he's making her feel that she's weaker at this point. Seulgi somehow hated it. She sneakily tapped her pocket to check if her pistol was still there. It was quite heavy considering that she wore loose pants with big pockets just to hide the gun that she was carrying. She took a deep breath, eyes wandered over the buildings and the nice shops and cafes nearby. "So, since you pulled me into this, is this like-your treat?"

My treat? Taeyong nearly gulped. It had been days since he was released from jail and all he got was his saved pocket money from years ago. But since I'm good at impulsive decisions, let's take the shot. "O-Of course!" I hope she'll not take me to buy expensive shits though. "It'll be like a date."

Taeyong's words do not seem to affect Seulgi but it disgusts me. "Boo. Date your stupid ass alone! I hate your cheesy pickup lines."

"Oh princess, admit that they do work sometimes." Taeyong nudged her elbow with another flirty smile. Like that time in the kitchen. "Don't worry! I'm still learning though!"

Seulgi thought that wasting Taeyong's money was such a good idea so she just stood still on her spot until the bus arrived. The two boarded the bus and when Taeyong was to sit beside her, she frankly shoo-ed him away. "Sit somewhere else!"

"But I want to sit with my princess!" Taeyong let his childish side deal with Seulgi's hard headedness. He attempted to push her to the right side but Seulgi was strong enough resist. "I said move away!"

"Ya!' We have to go! Go and argue somewhere else! Fucking couples!" The driver angrily shouted at both of them and to Seulgi's surprise, Taeyong only laughed it off before apologizing. "Sorry Sir, my pregnant wife's hormones are just too high today."

"W-What the fuck-"

"I'll shut her up for you." Taeyong continued and pinched her sides causing her to move away and for him to sit on the seat comfortably. He closed his eyes for a minute but he can already feel tension from his right side. Princess maybe plotting my murder right now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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