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"Get me out of this," Seulgi muttered eyes full of anger. "—now."

It had been minutes since both the bully and the ex-convict reached Seulgi's house. Taeyong admitted that tying her on the chair and combating some of her moves were tiresome. It's only three days since he was released from Jail and he's really staying out of trouble.

Aish this girl is such a pain in the ass. My shoulder's aching because of her weight damn. Very thin but very strong, ey? If somebody tells me that she wrestles a cow, I'll fucking believe for sure. Taeyong thought as he tried to massage his right shoulder. He stares at Seulgi who struggles to break herself out of the chair that she's trapped with. It really surprised her, taeyong's smooth moves. She tried her best to punch him but he was very swift and had a keen eye.

"I said get me out of this you fucking lunatic!" Shouted Seulgi.

Cal made way towards the living room and saw his sister along with Lee Taeyong. He didn't say a word and just closed the door, heaving a deep sigh.

"You'll pay for this!" Seulgi continued.

"Should I call the exorcist?" Taeyong asked Ha Neul, who is much more called as Cal. He doesn't even know where that name came from but Lucas did share that it came from Cal's deceased ex-girlfriend.

"More like call God the Father." Cal answered monotonously. He's got more kids to assist now. "Listen up babies," Cal had an authority in his voice. "I'm really tired right now so stop being hardheaded fuckers okay?"

"Aye sir!" Taeyong replied like a soldier, even conducting a salute. While Seulgi just rolled her eyes. "Get me out of this fucking chair, untie the ropes or I'll really stab both of you." She warned which was deadpanned by Cal.

"Seulgi, this is Lee Taeyong. He'll be with us for the mean time after being in jail for two years now. He'll be under my probationary period for months and decide on his attitude. If he ever lays his hands on you wrongly,"Cal spared Taeyong a glance who shrugged his head repeatedly. "—Just let me know."

"Why were you in Jail?" Seulgi asked, eyes dead but was interested.

"I don't think that it's for you to know. All I know is that I am God's Angel right now." Taeyong smiled innocently.

"Cal?" Seulgi asked her brother.

"Untie her." Cal deadpanned her question ordered Taeyong to which the younger doesn't seem to resist. "Aye sir!"

"Will you stop that!?" Seulgi was really irritated. She felt his skin over her arm that got her more annoyed. "Stop touching me!"

"Feeler." Taeyong calmly said. "I am touching the rope not you."

"Augh finally." Seulgi stood up from the plastic chair and caressed both of her wrists that got red. "So where will he sleep?"

"Here." Cal replied.

"Here?" Seulgi seemed unamused.

"Why? Do you want me to sleep beside you?" Taeyong sarcastically responded. Cal shot him a sharp glare.

"Nope, sorry. I would rather sleep in jail."

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