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"What do you mean that she's gone?" Taeyong asked Cal over the phone who was palming his whole face from annoyance. "I checked on her to apologize but there was just an empty room."

Before Taeyong answers, he spared Lucas a glance, who looked very suspicious of him. Damn this guy. "Well, do you have any ideas of her whereabouts?"

The police officer could only sigh, "That's basically one of the biggest mysteries of my life."

From his response Taeyong can conclude that Seulgi is difficult to track. So he bids his farewell and much to his surprise, Lucas harshly grabbed his phone back from Taeyong. The latter just rolled his eyes. "What's with the attitude? It's not like I'm gonna steal your damn phone."

Lucas gave him a sly smirk, "You think that you could be trusted? Huh? Someone like you?"

"You hate me that much Officer?" Tayeong mocked him, straightening his white shirt.

"Do you think that it's logical to trust a murderer?"

Murderer. That word got Taeyong silent.

"Know your place." Lucas warned him with a sharp look. "And don't try to tell you friends about this. All of you are going to jail." Those were Lucas' last threat before he walked out of the scene, bumping Taeyong on his shoulder. He could just close his eyes. He haven't fully moved on from his conversation with Mark and now Lucas had that authority to talk shit about him?

Taeyong looked at his hands and another flashback about a certain event floods his mind. "Murderer." He softly murmured with a small smirk.

The only place where Taeyong could think of that Seulgi's whereabouts was at Wendy's. Maybe because if he would do the exact thing that Seulgi does, he'll be at his friend's house too. So in the afternoon, he spent an hour or so, trying to look for Wendy's house. Much to his surprise, one of Wendy's classmates told him about her address.

And Taeyong can feel his eyes widen from the sight. "This is a huge house." I didn't know that she was this rich? Clearing his throat, he doesn't know how to start. Shall he knock? Would that seem weird? How will he introduce himself?

"You know what?" Wendy munched on a pear as she spoke to Seulgi. "I still don't know why you carry a gun around. I mean, we don't belong in a gang or some ramble right?"

Seulgi made herself comfortable by laying down on the floor. She tried to answer Wendy's question, "You'll never know when you'll defend yourself."

"Defense? Really?" Wendy licked her lips. "We fight with our fists Gi, that monster can take a life. Are you ready to witness that?" She talked sense to her friend. She may be considered a bully but she didn't want to involve herself in bloody murders.

Am I really ready for that? Seulgi even asked herself. "I'm not gonna kill someone."

"How sure are you?" Wendy was this inquisitive. She knew that Seulgi might pay a price if ever she does something unexplainable by the name of justice.

Seulgi hesitates for a moment. She doesn't like the feeling of being asked too much so she just brought out her phone and changed the topic. "This bitch Hanna. She looks so fat yet she dared to try on that dress?"

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