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Although it's the students' break from the semester, Both Seulgi and Wendy were in school to prepare for an apology to Kim Yerim. They first rested at the University's lounge, trying to get grip of the trouble that they caused. Trouble is not new to them but scaring the principal's daughter? That was a new story. When Wendy heard grumbling sounds, her eyes automatically went wide and her focus suddenly left the window pane and now is at Seulgi. "Woah, you're hungry aren't you? I can hear it from here."

"Shut up." Seulgi shushed her friend. I can't believe that I am here. Everyone is just plain annoying. If only that Taeyong guy didn't show then that confrontation would've been successful. What a jerk!

"Didn't Cal cook for you today? Our maid did a fantastic Bulgogi earlier. Ugh, yummy!" Wendy exclaimed and shot both of her arms in the air in full delight.

Seulgi rolled both of her eyes, "Our maid is a douchebag." She whispered, almost silent.


"I said," Seulgi inhaled deeply, pride getting crushed. "I am not going to say sorry to that Yeri girl."

"Girl," Wendy called her out. "Come on. It's not like you mean it right? Put on that plastic puppy face and we're free of trouble. After all, I don't want to spend another night at the community compound."

"Well she's going to think that she's the winner!" Seulgi clutched her uniform. "That fucking bitch." She won't win. She cannot see me apologizing. That would be the death of me!

"Well, Thank God that vacation started yesterday. Or else we'll be saying sorry in our uniforms." Wendy made her point and bit her lower lip. "Shall we go to the principal's office?" Wendy proposed and gave Seulgi a wink. "Come on, it's just for the sake of our reputation?"

"You're not helping. That Yeri girl will—"

"Okay fine," Wendy rested her case. "If you don't want to, Cal will be raged once again."

"Don't mention Cal please." Seulgi pleaded. She knows that she cares for her brother however fights from a messy past still break out between both of them. Her brother is her only family but she doesn't want to be controlled.

"Let's go now bitch. Now or never." Wendy stood up and started walking towards the principal's office.

"Fine! I'm coming with you!"


Lucas stared intently at someone who seems to be the city jail's favorite person ever, Kang Seulgi. He has both of his hands on his waist, his uniform hugging him real good.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk." Lucas remarked at Seulgi, who was busy texting someone on her phone. And one read, 

Eleven o'clock. you know our deal. -m

Seulgi grew nervous but Lucas' stares got on her nerves after a while, "Can you stop staring at me!? What is this? The Local zoo?"

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