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"Have you ever been in love?"

As the night and cold breeze stops, and so does Seulgi's heart. She steps out from the trash bin and wonders, What kind of question is that? It kind of irked her why that one question made her pause.

"Do I have to answer your dumbass question?" Seulgi answers in a dreadful way before tucking some hair strands behind her ear which Taeyong caught abruptly. Cute.

"Well, I'd appreciate that." Taeyong shots back and looked around to check if there is anyone spying on them. The streets are illuminated by both the streetlights and the moon. Houses seemed to be ghosted alongside with the trees engulfed by the darkness.

That's a dumb idea. Seulgi thought, as she shifts her position. "What about this? You tell me why you were imprisoned and I will answer that ridiculous question of yours."

"You're so good at bargaining princess."

"Well it just puzzles me," Seulgi gazed at Taeyong, "—you seem like a nice person."

Taeyong's breath hitched when he heard Seulgi's reply. Waves of memories seemed to crash down on his mind and it only made him smile. "I'll take that as a compliment." A smile of pain or smile of peace, there's nothing in between.

They started to walk back home and Seulgi drapes her hood on her head. "Tch." She hissed at him. "You can't even answer."

"Do I intrigue you that much?" Taeyong teased and that's when Seulgi rolled both of her eyes. "You don't look that nice to look at, such an airhead."

"Well you're the one who kept on asking me,"Taeyong cupped his chin, a grin painted on his face. "I mean it's okay to admit though."

"Admit what!?"

"That I'm handsome, smart, cunning and charming?"

Seulgi fakes a barf. "You're so full of yourself." You're definitely very much childish rather than those I met a few months ago.

"Well, what's not to like?" Taeyong hops around and glances at his wristwatch. Shock is heavily evidenced on his face when he realized the time. "Move your heavy arse douchebag! It's getting late already and Cal might call home."

Oh shit.  

"You're telling me, that she escaped with someone?" Jackson asked Mark who was in deep thoughts beside the window.

"She seemed scared." Mark caressed his pistol. His thoughts seemed to drown him. Seulgi. That name repeats on his mind.

"She approved our deal, Mark. She knows that she's dead if she doesn't comply." Jackson angrily sits down and licked his lips in anticipation for Mark's answer to his next question. "That boy looks familiar though."

Mark's lips twitched. "What?"

"Isn't that fucker the one who's ever been jailed?"

Mark turned his full attention to Jackson. "Taeyong?" Why haven't I recognized him? My mind seemed to play games with me. "Impossible. He's in jail."

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