Chapter 12

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Gales POV
Run Gale! Somewhere deep in my mind I can hear Katniss yelling at me, fear strangling her voice, although it isn't actually her. It's just my mind. That doesn't stop me from listening to it though. I run as fast as I can, trying to loose the careers. If it had just been one of the, maybe I wouldn't have ran, maybe I would have fought. But it's not just one, it's four. This means they see me as a threat. They only usually send two or occasionally three careers after one person, I guess not with me. They must have left the district three guy guarding the supplies, I saw him with them earlier. I look around desperately for a way out, and decide I need to climb a tree. I run to the sturdiest looking tree I can find and start to climb. I hope the careers don't know how to climb. "You can't find from us 12," Cato, the boy from 2 calls out.
"Maybe but I'm not dead yet," I call back. I want them to know I'm not going down without a fight. They all laugh and the girl from one, Glimmer, grabs and arrow out of the quiver and puts it in her bow. I hear Marvel, the boy from one, whisper to her. "Make it painful."
She smiles at him and releases the arrow she misses my left arm by about 5cm. I climb higher, then sit in a sturdy branch, still close to the tree. "So much for a career," I say laughing at her. I can see the anger in her eyes, she goes to grab another arrow but Clove, the girl from two, stops her. "Let Cato do it," she says calmly to Glimmer. She grunts and moves her hand down, no arrow in it. Cato starts to climb the tree and I'm filled with worry, the only thing I can think of is Katniss. Is she watching this? Will she have to watch me die? No I won't let that happen. I start thinking of ways to stop Cato from reaching me, but don't have to think much before he slips, falling on his back. Hopefully he broke his neck. He stands up, without a broken neck unfortunately and stares at me with more anger in his eyes than Glimmer. "We could stay here the night, I mean he's got to come down or starve, his choice," Clove said smiling. Cato agrees with her and doesn't even care what the others have to say. They decide Cato will take the first shift and the rest start to go to sleep. the sun is just starting to set, but it's been a tiring day so I guess I'll sleep soon, after they show who has died. I wonder if Arial's still alive? She had been very close to Prim. The sky darkens and faces begin to appear in the sky. No careers, no district 12 tributes. Arial's alive. I also notice the other 12 year old, Rue, is alive. So that makes both tributes from 11 as well. I didn't pay much attention to the other tributes that died. None of them mattered to me. I look down and see clove wither head on Cato's shoulder and Cato whispering something to her. "I'm going to get you out of here okay? I only volunteered to save you."
I hear her start crying. "I can't loose you," Clove whimpers.
This could be an act, if it was it would be a very good one. Careers choose not to bond to closely to others, knowing they can't all win. For some reason this doesn't seem real, I think they might actually be in love. If I put aside the whole career thing Clove reminds me slightly of Katniss. Then I remember Clove didn't actually volunteer, she was reaped. She had trained in an academy, but half the people that train in there are only doing it for self defence. Maybe she didn't want to be in the games. I remember seeing the play backs of the reaping, and I remember Cato's face when Clove was reaped. Either they actually love each other or this act has been planned for a very long time. "Clove, I'm not going to live without you," he whispers, pain in his voice. The cameras are definitely on them now, maybe occasionally on me.
"Neither am I," she whispers back.
The conversation stops there and suddenly I hear two screams beneath me, the tributes from district 1. Someone has thrown knives at them, and they have a pretty good aim too, but not as great as Clove. "I'll kill him!" Cato screams.
"No it wasn't him, the knives came from over there, Clove said pointing into another part of the forest. They both run of and whoever threw the knives I feel pity for them. they just saved my life. I scurry out if the tree and am startled by two cannons that are simultaneously fired for Glummer and Marvel. I look at there dead bodies, hand in hand. This year the tributes seem close, too close. The Capitol could see that as a threat, an that makes it more interesting. Careers are never close, and now two die holding hands? Something doesn't seem right about that. I grab the now and quiver if arrows from Glimmer and belt of knives from Marvel. I take the chance and run of into the forest, as far away from the renaming careers as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2014 ⏰

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