Chapter 7

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"So what was that?" I ask Prim, smiling to myself. "What was what?" She murmured, looking down.

"You know."

"We are just friends, she answered, now blushing. I laugh. "Yeah, friends, that's what it looked like."

"Ok, maybe your right," she said, still not looking up. "Still, that's what you and Gale look, um I mean looked like," She bit her lip as soon as she said that, immediately regretting saying that. I put a fake smile on my face when she looks at me. I don't want her to know that everytime someone mentions him it feels like someone's stabbing me. I know she didn't mean to hurt me in anyway. She looks relieved when she sees me smile. "Sorry," she says, her eyes back on the ground. "You don't need to apologise for anything," I tell her. She smiles now, her eyes now looking forward. "Do you think he likes me?" Prim asks curiously.

"Think? I know he likes you," I say, trying to to laugh. She smiles, when she sees me look at her she puts a straight face back on. I can't help it this time, I start to laugh. "What?" she asks, I shake my head and we keep walking. When we are inside the first thing I notice is the tv on. Out of the 24 tributes only one stands out to me, Gale. He looks the same as when he left, something is a little different, but I can't tell what it is. Did I miss the chariot parade? I hope so. Caesar, the host, starts to speak. "Tomorrow the interviews will start at 12:00 and goes to 2:05. Each tribute has 5 minutes onstage. Those five minutes can make a huge difference to the sponsors. Good luck." The screen turns black then goes onto some interview with the girl from 2 parents. I turn the tv off, not able to move from the couch. I remember the money. "Prim, could you give this to mum?" I ask handing her two of the three bags of money, the other one I was using to sponsor for Gale. "Sure," she says softly, she takes the bags from my hands and goes to find mum. I lay down on the couch and close my eyes.

"Katniss!" I familiar voice yells out. "Katniss! Katniss help!" I start running through the forest, not caring about the plants cutting my legs and arms. "Prim!" I scream, petrified that something's happened to her. Running faster than i ever have before. When I reach an open area, barley any trees, I see prim. Except there is a tall, blond boy next to her. I recognise him from the tv this afternoon. The boy from district 2. He looks very large next to Prim's petite body. He smiles at me. "Say goodbye," he yells to me. "No!" I scream as his knife goes into her chest, she screams once before collapsing and I hear the cannon go off.

I wake screaming, I'm on my couch at home, still. It was just a dream, I try to convince myself. "Prim!" I scream out, just incase. I hear her light footsteps running towards me. "Katniss! I heard you scream, are you alright?" she yells out as she runs towards me, her eyes filled with worry. "It was just a bad dream," I say, not sure if I'm telling that to her or myself. She nods and sits down next to me. She leans her head on my should, we stay like this for a while, staring at the black tv screen. "Are you girls hungry? do you want something to eat?" Mum asked walking into the room. She had left us two just together and it was getting late. "No thanks mum, not tonight," I said shaking my head. Prim shook her head lightly. I sighed. She should be eating, I guess I should too but neither of us wanted too. We turned on the tv, but quickly got sick of it. "I'm gonna go to bed," I say getting up and walking off. Prim follows. We both get into our bed we share and just lay there for a while. We aren't tired yet. "The interviews are tomorrow," Prim whispers.

"I know, I hope he knows what he's doing, its his best chance at getting sponsors," I whispered back.

"Rory invited us over to watch them with him and his family, mum can come too," Prim said. I nodded once. I could tell she wanted to go, but wouldn't without mum and I. "We can go," I whispered to her, it sounded like I was giving her permission. "Thanks," she said smiling. We later. There for a little while longer. Then Prim closed her eyes, and fell asleep. Her face immediately looked peaceful and all the worry washed away. Prim was only a child. Only twelve. She acted so much older than her age, constantly worrying about mum and I. I'm glad she started helping mum as a nurse, it gave her some time to relax and forget about everything, I never had time like that. I use to when Gale was here. I use to relax when we hunted. Now when I hunt I'm alone. I feel lonely lately. If Prim wasn't here I don't think I would be able to cope without him. I love him. I frowned. Now his gone I finally realise that. Life isn't very fair.

Authors note -

I am currently starting another hunger games fanfiction. If you like this one please check that our. I'm updating this one more though but if you like my other one just comment that you want me to update more. Thanks for reading this

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