5 ⭐

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I kept looking at his profile picture, still too shy to actually text him. Everything I typed just seemed wrong. I wrote tons of messages, but deleted everything as soon as I was about to press send. I lay down in bed, constantly tossing and turning. Since when was texting someone this difficult?

-Thank you for tonight

Sent! I quickly threw my phone to the back of the bed, but instantly got it again, checking for a message every second. As soon as a message came in I checked it from my home screen, too scared to actually open it.

-You too, thank you so much, I really had fun <3
-Do you want to get something to drink together tomorrow?

I threw my phone away once again, actually letting out a scream. "He sent a heart!" I yelled, completely panicking. I once again picked it up, not wanting to let him wait

-Let's meet at Felix's at three?

-Sounds good, see you there!
-I should probably go to bed, don't sleep too late
-Goodnight Y/N <3 sweet dreams

-You too <3

Should I not have sent the heart? Was it weird? Too much? Too fast? My phone buzzed again, but this time from an unknown number.

-This is Y/N right?

-Yes... who is this?

-It's Felix! I sort of stole Chan's phone to get your number, hope you don't mind.
-I texted you to ask if Chan by any chance said anything about where he was going...
-He just went out without his phone and all, I'm worried it has something to do with Jisung again

-He told me he was going to sleep...
-I'm sure he'll be okay, don't worry too much okay?

-You're probably right
-Thanks Y/N, goodniiiiight

-You too!

I put my phone down disappointed, even more worried than Felix probably was. He did say Jisung really messed up, maybe he went there? I went out of bed, walking outside with my earbuds in. Sleeping wouldn't happen anyway, so let's just go to the park to see the stars.

The streets were cold, the orange light from the street lanterns illuminating the pavement. Occasionally I could hear some people chat loudly, but most of the noise was cancelled due to the loud music playing in my ears. I occasionally looked up when something caught my eye, for example a cute kitten, but mainly looked down as much as I could.

One thing, however, really caught my eye, making me stop walking. The boy on the other side of the road, he looked so familiar, yet I couldn't figure out how, or why. I did see, however, things weren't going too well for him. Three other guys, hanging around him, stalking him, being too close to him. I normally wouldn't even bother looking, but there was something captivating about him that forced me to watch.

Our eyes met. They were screaming the word help, over and over. He seemed so helpless, so uncomfortable, so...sad? It was obvious he wanted to get out of the situation, but those guys weren't gonna let him go anywhere anytime soon. I broke off the stare, looking back down. I couldn't get myself in trouble, I shouldn't, not for a stranger.

Or should I? I looked back, seeing him still look at me. It was odd, I couldn't get my eyes off him. It's like they were glued to his. One of the guys put his arm around him, making the poor boy flinch. You could see him try to get out of it, only tightening the grip. It wasn't right. If anything were to happen, I'd feel horrible, knowing I could've done something.

"Babe, there you are!" I shouted, running towards him without even thinking. I was honestly just as shocked as he was by my action, but he quickly seemed to play along. The three guys were clearly thrown off guard, making the boy quickly get out of the grip around him. He ran up to me as well, taking me in his arms. "Thank you so much" he whispered in my ear as he quickly let go, probably not wanting to make me feel awkward.

"Jisung, you didn't tell us you had a girlfriend" one of the guys said, the two others looking terribly irritated by my arrival. That was it. Jisung. Chris's friend. The one in trouble... Or so I've noticed. Jisung turned back to them, his arm still around my shoulder. "I promised her we'd Netflix, see you guys." He quickly turned around again, running away with me before they could even say something.

"Thank you so much for getting me out there" he said as we got to a somewhat distant place, just outside the shopping district. We both leaned against a wall, me clearly being out of breath. "Are you okay?" I asked panting. "I am thanks to you" he replied laughingly, trying to lighten up the gloomy mood. I smiled back, his smile being awfully contagious.

His phone buzzed in the pocket of his jacket. He hesitantly got it out, but seemed relieved when he picked it up. "Minho! Yeah, I'm almost there, I got caught up in something...is it okay if I bring my girlfriend?...No, she's not my real girlfriend but she seriously saved my ass back there... Sure, I'll ask if she wants to come, it's probably not a good idea for her to go back anyways... Hold on, let me ask."

He turned to me, the phone a bit from his ear. "Is it okay if I bring you to our basement? Wait, that sounded creepy, it's nothing like that!" You could see his eyes get redder, clearly flustered. "It's like, a hideout for me and some friends of mine where we basically just game and eat. I don't want you to be alone right now, certainly not now that those three know you. I'll bring you home after a while, wanna come?"

Honestly, what choice did I have? Obviously I was already in trouble for just being seen with the guy. I quickly nodded, causing him to continue phone call. "She's coming with, I'll be there in five, see you then!" He hung up, putting the phone back. I rubbed my hands together, already feeling the cold breeze return. Jisung turned to me, a soft gaze falling upon me. He grabbed one of my hands, intertwining it with his, then putting it in his empty pocket. He just smiled as we both continued walking.

Like he said, it didn't take long before we reached the entrance. It was just underneath a sports hall. He slowly took our hands out of his pocket, still holding on to it while we were walking down the steep metal staircase. "GUYS, I BROUGHT MY GIRLFRIEND" he yelled as he got inside, causing an uproar on the inside.

He quickly walked back to me, leading me in. "It's okay, they're not that weird" he laughed, trying to make me feel at ease. As soon as I got inside, my gaze went up, seeing Chris. His eyes locked with mine until he saw Jisung holding hands with mine, becoming more confused by the second? He stood up, visibly hurt and shocked. The room turned quiet, only letting his voice through.

"You're dating Jisung?"

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