20 ⭐

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I started shaking badly, getting more frightened by the second. Was that N? It has to be... So who on earth is it? "Y/N...Y/N!" Jisung called out. He grabbed both my shoulders, forcing me to look at him. "Listen, whoever that person was just now, they're gone. It's okay, you're safe." He took me in his arms, also shivering a little. It was quite obvious he wasn't feeling comfortable and calm with what we just witnessed either, but he tried his hardest to suppress that feeling.

"Jisung, I want to go home" I said instantly, looking up with flickering eyes. "Then we'll go home, that's totally fine. I'll figure something out for dinner, for now let's just get home." He put one arm around my shoulder as we started walking back home together, both still pretty shaken up.

As we got home, we instantly locked the door behind us, closing all curtains. We both fell down on the couch. I scooted over to him, leaning on his chest. He immediately wrapped his arms around me as he started stroking my hair again, a strangely comfortable feeling. 

"Do you ever regret it?" he asked out of nowhere. "Regret what?" "You know... Meeting me and all." I looked up, seeing his eyes twinkle, a tear falling down his cheeks. "I don't." He quickly wiped his tears away, a bit surprised. "You don't? But I literally gave you nothing but trouble..." As he finished his sentence, his tears instantly came back. "You didn't just give me trouble. I do admit, there were times where I thought; should I have just walked away that day? But the more I think about it, the more I realized that If I could have chosen again, I definitely would have done the same. You really are an amazing person who simply made a mistake, we all make those don't we?"

His grip grew tighter. He tried so hard to keep it all together, but at this point he just broke down. "If only I accept that stupid offer" he cried out, holding me close. "You told me right, we'll get through this together... You're not alone in this." "Thank you so much Y/N... What on earth would I do without you."

I took a look at him, only one thing crossing my mind. I should tell him. "Ji... I have to be honest with you. Hyunjin bothered me again today when I went on my way to Felix, but I heard him talk over the phone... He called the person N, so I was thinking, what if the person has an N in their name? I only told Felix since he was the only one who doesn't have an N in their name." Jisung looked down, eyes opening wider. "Y/N... You do realize Felix's actual name is Yongbok right?"

My eyes opened wide in shock. "You've got to be kidding me" I said breathlessly. "Hey, it's okay. You said you were on your way to him when you met Hyunjin right? That means he probably stayed home, so I don't think he could be the one." I slowly nodded. "Good point, it probably can't be him then... Like, how could he have gone there, it's probably not like one of those scenes where he plants a phone or something... That'd be too much. Thank goodness, that scared me!" I ended with, letting out a huge sigh of relief.

Jisung let out a small chuckle. "You know, you sure do have a lot of energy for someone who's getting too little sleep" he said, wiping his tears away. "I guess I do huh" I said a little embarrassed. It was only then I realized how close we still were. Due to how scared I was I didn't even realize at first but now that I did, my cheeks became a hundred times redder. I glanced over at Jisung, who didn't seem bothered anymore in any way possible. I guess he didn't really mind it? But it still felt kind of bad, especially since I was dating Chris.

"Jisung... I, ehm" I awkwardly started, not really sure of how to say it. I simply stared at me with confused little puppy eyes. "I mean... Well..." I couldn't even get the words out of my mouth, only to be saved by my phone ringing. I got it out of my pocket, with that creating some space between me and Jisung. Minho?

"Minho? What's up?" I asked awfully confused. He was one of the last people I expected to call me. "Y/N? Can I meet you for a second? I have something I need to discuss with you." Jisung, who was listening as well, grabbed the phone out of my hand, putting it on speaker. "Minho, don't you dare try anything funny!" he said stern. It was quiet for a little while on the other side of the line. "Jisung, how bad of a person do you think I am? We've known each other for years." Jisung nodded, even though there was no way Minho would be able to catch that. "That's exactly why! So what would you need Y/N for?"

Minho let out a huge sigh. "Listen, I promise I won't harm her okay? If you insist you can come along, but this is seriously important." Jisung and I quickly exchanged looks, both nodding. "I'll bring Jisung with me, where should we go?" "Come to our clubhouse, quick. You'll really want to see this."

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