38 ⭐

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I stopped breathing for a second. The question that used to linger in my head for eternity. The question I tried so hard to ignore, now was out. I threw my head back, letting it rest on Felix's arm and looking up at the ceiling. "I don't know Lix. I used to think that, but I'm not sure if I want to believe that anymore." Felix nodded in understanding. "Let's just not think about it for tonight okay? I'll get Changbin, we could watch a movie together, and you can sleep here."

I smiled softly. Felix had gotten up to fetch Changbin from upstairs when it hit me. If Jisung had taken away Chan's bed, where on earth was I going to sleep this time? I just mentally prepared myself for an uncomfortable night on the couch. I should already be happy they care about me so much, so I really couldn't complain.

Felix and Changbin both came down again. Felix quickly went to get everyone something to drink, leaving me and Changbin alone for the tiniest moment. "Are you okay? Do you need me to punch someone?" he whispered, making me laugh again. "No punching, and I'm okay I guess... Just need some time" I answered him. He ruffled my hair, loosely wrapping one arm around me as he did the same to Felix who was now on his other side.

"Changbin, do we really have to watch horror again?" Felix whined as the movie played. Changbin looked to his side, smiling softly at the boy he loved oh so much. "I'm sorry Lix, the ones I ordered for you still didn't come in." Felix let out a sigh, slowly getting up, earning two confused gazes from me and Changbin. "I'm just gonna go upstairs before I can't sleep again, come say goodnight when it's over?" Changbin nodded. "And Y/N, you can stay here for as long as you want. We'll figure something out, but until you're ready stay with us okay?" A bright smile appeared on my face. "Thanks Lix, I mean it" I said before he disappeared up the stairs.

Now it was only Changbin and me left. Not many words were spoken, just enjoying the movie and each other's presence. Or well, enjoying the movie wasn't really in it for me. I grabbed one of the small cushions, hugging it as we continued to watch. "Changbin, I'm gonna go to the toilet for a little bit, I'll be right back" I said after a while, slowly getting up. "It's up the stairs!" he reminded me, pausing the movie.

The further I walked up the stairs, the creepier the house suddenly seemed to get. It was completely dark, the staircase shrieking loudly with every step I took. I wasn't all that scared of horror movies, but it did have an effect on your contiousness. I finally found the bathroom, holding the doorknob as I suddenly felt a breath in my neck. I got paralyzed, a cold hand suddenly on my shoulder.

"Y/N-" the person tried to say, but it was overshadowed by a loud scream, from me of course. I turned around, seeing that it was simply Felix. "Y/N, what's wrong?" he instantly asked, awfully worried. Changbin came running up as well after hearing the scream. I tried to calm myself down, my breathing heavy. "You just scared me, that's all" I tried to say as convincingly okay as possible.

Felix turned to Changbin. "Changbin, I told you it was a bad idea to let her watch horror, come on man!" Changbin tried to protest, but I beat him to it. "I'm okay, really! It's not like I can't handle horror movies, just not well, and I didn't ask Changbin to play otherwise, so there was no way he could've known." Felix looked from Changbin to me, then back at Changbin again. "Okay, I'm sorry, you're right."

"Y/N, maybe it's best if we stop the movie" Changbin suggested, but I vigorously shook my head. "No! I'm okay, really, see!" I said as I put on my brightest smile, earning a chuckle from both of them. "Are you sure? It's okay if you don't want to continue watching" Changbin asked again. "Really, I'm fine! Let's finish the movie!" Changbin glanced over at Felix who gave him a small nod. "Then, we'll be downstairs again if you need anything" Changbin told his boyfriend, going downstairs again.

As I finally got out of the bathroom again after having to wait long enough I joined Changbin again, once again grabbing the cushion as the movie started playing. Changbin however took the cushion out of my arms, placing it on the other side of him. "What was that for?" I asked confused, but Changbin only smiled. "You know, you could've just told me you were scared" he said as he this time wrapped his arms tighter around me, pulling me closer to him.

I instantly seemed to calm down a little. Man, this guy's hugs are amazing, Felix is one lucky guy! The movie kept on playing, but I wasn't really focussing anymore. Right now all I did was battling myself to keep my eyes open, most of the time failing horribly, until I eventually fell asleep in his arms.

Changbin looked down at the girl, who was peacefully asleep in his arms. "She must have been exhausted" he whispered to himself, slowly lifting her up little by little until he could stand up and lift her up completely. He took her up the stairs, walking into Chan's room. The bed... He sighed, walking back into his own room and placing the girl in his bed. He gently tucked her in, but Y/N had grabbed hold of his finger.

Changbin squatted down, smiling to himself, until he overheard Felix on the phone. "I don't know Eric, I think I just have a weakness for her or something... No, I'm pretty sure I'm not in love with her, I have a boyfriend... She's downstairs with Changbin at the moment. Listen, I'm pretty sure I'm just worried for her, that's all. And I know I barely know anything about her, but there's something about Y/N that makes you curious, I'm telling you." Changbin's smile dropped drastically. Even though Felix said he was in love with him, why did Felix grow interest in someone else?

He looked back at the girl and sighed. "Sorry Y/N, but I'm really not sleeping with Felix tonight" he whispered before he lay down beside her, eventually falling asleep as well.

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