12 ⭐

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"I'm sorry, I forgot to clean..." Jisung said awkwardly as he opened the door to my new room. Knowing my room was usually messy I didn't think much of it but this was... Let's call it a different level of messy. I wasn't even sure if it actually had a floor underneath all of the garbage and dirty clothes, not to mention the smell. Way to go, living in a dirty room with a person I don't know much about except for the fact that he's mostly the reason I just got kidnapped, totally normal right?

As Jisung noticed how awkward I was he rolled his sleeves up, opening Spotify on his phone and handing it to me. "Put something on, we're turning this mess into your dream room." Slowly but surely the room actually started looking cleaner and cleaner. "Y/N, catch!" Jisung called as he threw a wet cloth at me. Since my ability to catch things wasn't as good as I had hoped it landed right on my face, causing Jisung to burst out in laughter. I threw it back, catching him off guard, also throwing in right in his face. The look on his face was priceless, the shock, I couldn't even breathe in between my laughter.

"Now you've done it!" he said as he stood up, walking up to me. I instantly stopped laughing seeing how serious he looked. "Sorry, I didn't think it'd upset you" I said quickly, hoping he wouldn't get mad. He came up closer and closer, only inches away. "Get ready for... TICKLES!" I fell on my back, squirming and laughing constantly, trying to stop him. He got hold of both my hands in one of his, the other hand still tickling me. "Wait stop" I said in between my laughter, constantly trying to catch my breath but failing miserably.

I opened my eyes, looking right in his as he finally stopped, a wide smile still on my face. Somehow it felt like time had frozen at that point, as if the world had disappeared. It felt weird, but familiar. Weirdly familiar. The same feeling I had when I first met Chris. The stopping of time. Was it normal? Was it bad? Was it good? Did that mean I had two soulmates? Or not even one? A thousand questions were running through my mind, I was so confused I didn't even hear Jisung calling my name for a while.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I finally focust my eyes again, seeing him look at me in worry, still only inches away, maybe even closer than before. "Yeah, why?" I quickly asked, not wanting to let him know my true thoughts. He moved over, now sitting next to me, his hand running through his hair. "You just spaced out a bit, that's all. Anything on your mind?" Yeah, you. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." I stood up again, slightly embarrassed to be so close to him. I stretched my arms high up in the sky, looking at what was left to clean. "Let's quickly get this over with shall we?" He stood up as well, giving a short but strong pat on the back. "Got it!"

I had to admit, I never had this much fun when it came to cleaning. It was tiresome, boring, too much effort, but this? No, this was different. Singing along, not always as good, to Disney songs, laughing together, doing stupid things together, discovering the long lost treasures between the piles of dirt, it actually gave me hope that maybe I could get rid of my lazy habit to not clean. Not too much though, it was still cleaning after all.

About two hours later, the room was completely made new. All the dust was gone, the room was actually quite spacious and the bed was made with a beautiful pastel blanket and pillow. The colours were overall quite bright and calming, it was literally the perfect room, after the make over of course. Jisung wiped some of the sweat off his forehead with his arm, grinning proudly at what we had just achieved. "I think we deserve some pizza, last time I actually cleaned was years ago!" I chuckled to myself, that was definitely easy to notice. "Pizza sounds perfect right now!"

We both crashed down on the couch downstairs, Jisung already calling the pizzeria to order. I simply stared outside, still not used to have no phone, hence having no clue of what to do. I couldn't text Chris like I usually would whenever I was bored, he was probably working too so he'd probably not even have the time to talk. Jisung soon ended the call, looking at me with a soft smile before actually speaking up. "I hope you like a margherita, it was the most simple I could think of that most people like." I instantly turned to him, not wanting to keep spacing out, or rather not having him notice. "That's perfect, thanks!"

He held his hands together, seeming somewhat nervous. "Listen, Y/N... I just wanted to say sorry for dragging you into all of this. It must be seriously confusing to go from a normal person to suddenly living under one roof with someone who's literally being watched every minute of his life, literally in danger I honestly don't know how it all got so far, and I seriously never meant for it to happen, but actually getting you involved was never the plan, even though I'm really thankful you helped me back then."

He turned to, softly taking both my hands in his, looking right into my soul. "I know it must be awkward and weird to live with a guy who you just met, but let's get along okay? I already caused you enough trouble, I want to at least help a bit to make it less miserable." I couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. Most guys in trouble, it's their own fault, but with him I just couldn't blame him somehow. I smiled at him, already feeling a lot more comfortable. "Thank you Jisung, really." He moved his right hand to my head, softly stroking it. "I'm here for you whenever I can help."

Right at that moment the door swung open. "You've got to be kidding me Jisung, are you seriously hitting on Y/N? And here I thought you weren't that bad!"

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