39 ⭐

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I got woken up by a loud yelling. My eyes slowly opened, trying to find the source. I slowly sat up straight, rubbing my eyes and adjusting to the bright sunlight shining through the curtains. The more I actually woke up, the louder the shouting seemed to get. I stood up, silently walking down the stairs to see what was going on.

I stood still on one of the last steps, seeing Felix and Changbin so angry they could almost rip each other's throats out. "So you don't want to even sleep in the same room as me, but sleeping with Y/N in your arms is suddenly no problem anymore? Seriously Changbin, what on earth is going on with you! Did you start falling for her instead of me or anything?"

Changbin's mouth fell open resentfully. "You're one to talk, especially after that phone call from last night!" Felix became more shocked by the second, actually falling silent. "You heard that?" he asked seemingly scared, angering Changbin even more. "Yeah I did, you know, you could have just told me you liked her, I would've left you two alone to do whatever!"

"Oh, so now you're leaving me? Just because I feel sympathy for Y/N's situation? Is this how we're gonna end?!" Felix bursted out, tears forming in his eyes. Changbin simply scoffed. "Sympathy my ass Lix, you literally said you had a 'weakness' for her, that you were 'curious' about here. That's not simply sympathy. I don't know what it is, and frankly, right now I couldn't care less, I need a break!"

I just stood there with eyes wide open, completely silenced in shock as Changbin kept on coming closer, on his way out. His eyes met mine, giving me an apologetic smile as the tears streamed down his face. The next second he was gone, running out and slamming the door behind him. Felix punched the wall next to him, cursing and breaking down.

"Fe...lix?" I asked carefully, coming a little closer. He instantly looked up in shock, he was already a mess. He literally flew up, jumping in my arms as we both fell down on the ground. "Y/N, I don't want to lose him" he cried out, sobbing in my arms.

"Felix, what on earth happened? Everything seemed fine yesterday" Felix nodded, trying his best to find the right words to speak. "Everything was fine until yesterday. When I found you two all snuggled up this morning I just got so upset, he wouldn't even sleep in my room so I thought he didn't like me all that much, so when I saw you two I just snapped."

He slowly got off me, laying beside me and looking up at the plain white ceiling. "Then...what phone call was Changbin talking about?" There was no way their relationship could be broken this easy, it had to be a misunderstanding. Felix clearly loves Changbin, so there was no way Felix could start to catch feelings for me.

Felix let out a sigh, his hand resting on his forehead. "It was really nothing. One of my best friends, Eric, called me. I hadn't spoken to him in a while, and he was asking about you, since last time I told him about you, that you were going through a rough time and all When I said that I was curious about you, or that I had a weakness for you, I really didn't mean it in a weird way. I guess you're just like a little sister to me, and I know that we don't know each other all that well, but I guess when you were dating Chan I just wanted to know what kind of person I might get as sister in law, that was all, really."

I nodded in understanding. "Felix, I really think you should talk to Changbin about this. I think some irritations just came up and a lot of misunderstandings were left like this. If you don't tell him what you just told me he might really get the wrong idea" Felix looked at me before quickly getting up. "I'm gonna find him!" he yelled before running out as well.


"Changbin, are you there?" Felix carefully asked as he climbed up the hill. It was the place where they first met. Both messed up, too much on their head and just needed some peace. It had a beautiful view, especially at night. It was a flower field, with the highway a few hundred meters away. It was the place he always came to when he was stressed, and unknowingly Changbin too.

Felix heard a grumble. It wasn't clear what exactly he said, but it was clear Changbin was there. Felix sat down on the other side off the hill. Both unable to see each other, so it would be easier to talk. "Listen, I'm sorry for yelling... I guess I just got jealous" Felix started. "Of who, Y/N or me?" Changbin snarled back, still not exactly in a great mood.

"Of Y/N of course you dumbass" Felix continued. "When you said you didn't want to sleep together I first thought you just needed some time, but as time passed I was scared you actually didn't like me as much as I liked you I became frustrated with myself, and acted it out on you. I'm really sorry Changbin, I really am. I love you so much, I really didn't mean to hurt you."

"Y/N?" Changbin asked almost inaudibly. Felix shook his head, even though there was no way Changbin was able to see that, more just a reflex. "The interest in her was just like that in a little sister. When she and Chan were dating I guess I started thinking of her as a little sister, so when she went through so much I kept thinking, woah, she's so strong. I guess I just really admired her, but the only one I really love are you."

Changbin let out a sigh. "Listen, I'm sorry too It's not like I didn't want to sleep together, I was just afraid that I... wouldn't be able to hold myself back, I didn't know you thought that way... I'm sorry." Felix turned around in shock, Changbin turning around too. They walked up to the top, facing each other with careful smiles.

"So You don't dislike me, but like me too much?" Felix asked, laughing through his tears. Changbin just covered his face, now becoming embarrassed. "Oh come on, don't you dare start teasing me now." Felix walked up to him, pulling his hands away from his face and kissing him deeply. "Don't worry about holding back anymore, I'm all yours" Felix whispered before leaning in again.

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