The Bridge

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——- Kuoh Academy (After school) ——-

——- (Y/n's POV) ——-

I managed to make it to class 3 minutes after the last bell rang. Of course, Ms. Fujiki was not pleased with my 2 consecutive late attendances. Thankfully, I managed to get by with just a little reminder of my reputation in the school and how improper it would be for this to be a reoccurring theme. I then sat down at my desk and class continued.

After several hours of learning, answering questions, and being forced to hear Issei and his friends relate their deepest perverted fantasies, the school day finally ended.

All in all, it wasn't that bad for a first day: I got to meet a lot of new people and learn how the school works.

As I start packing up my bag and head out towards the door, Katase and Murayama catch up with me.

Katase: (y/n)! Wait up!

The two of them rush toward me before I even step out of the doorway.

Y/n: Hey you two. I thought we were gonna meet at that the gate, did something happen?

Murayama: No, we decided we wanted to walk with you as soon as possible when school was over.

Katase: Yeah, that's why we stopped you before you left. Plus, we'll have some extra time to show some cool spots around the area. That is, if you still want to walk us home, right?

The two of them look at me with the cutest puppy dog eyes ever. How can I say no to them?

Y/n: Of course I still want to walk you guys home. After all, I was the one who came up with the idea, so it's only right that I stand by my word.

Katase and Murayama's faces light up with glee and the two of them go on either side of me, link their arms with mine, and we exit the classroom and the school together. As we're walking, Katase and Murayama are bombarding me with questions about my life. Most are your average personal questions like "Where did you live before here?", or "What're your parents like?". However, they seem to keep asking me questions about my past and current love life and my future love life plans like "When was the last time you had a girlfriend?", "Have you ever been in love?", "Do you plan to get married and have a family one day?". They blush each time they ask and I simply laugh out of amusement cause I know they're just being curious about me since I'm still new. What's making the situation more embarrassing though is that as I answer these questions, Katase and Murayama push my arms closer to them, right in between their breasts, which is making my manhood start to respond again.

As we continue walking, we come to a bridge that leads to a park on the other side. As we start walking across the bridge, Katase and Murayama start blushing very profusely and cling even closer to me.

Y/n: Is something wrong you two?

Katase: ...

Murayama: ...

They stay silent for a bit.

Katase: You see (y/n)... there's a myth with this bridge... if a boy and a girl walk across it together or at the same time... and they're looking for love... it's said that they'll fall for each other.

Y/n: Oh... ooh... I see. (blushes)

Well that certainly makes this situation a bit awkward and unexpected. And the way they're looking at me... come on (y/n) keep it together!

 come on (y/n) keep it together!

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