A Time to Rest

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Y/n: Rias, did you see what I did just now?! That was so cool! I can't wait to-


Before I can even finish my sentence, I feel a sharp stinging pain go across the right side of my face. This completely catches me off guard and after the shock is gone I turn my eyes and see that it was Rias who slapped me. She has a very angry and almost teary eyed look on her face. I don't budge or move a muscle, I just stand there side eyeing her while taking in all the pain I received from her slap.


Y/n: ...

Rias: I am beyond disappointed in you (y/n): you always hold yourself in a cool, calm, and collected manner. I expected you to be the most cautious about this whole thing, not to get so overly excited you'd put yourself in harm's way. You could've been seriously hurt, or even worse... dead! It's one thing to be confident in your skills, but it's another when you let it fuel your ego to where you purposely put yourself in harm's way. Just what the hell were you thinking?!

Y/n: ...

(Rias's POV)

(Y/n) hasn't moved at all since I slapped him, he's just standing there with his head leaned to the left and his hair covering his eyes and his head held low. Damn it (y/n), why did you have to almost give me a heart attack? It's not like you to get so cocky that you completely ignore any and all potential consequences and dangers that come with a decision, especially when you don't know everything about it.

Kiba: R-Rias, I know you were worried about (y/n)'s safety and all but don't you think that was a little unnecessary? I mean, he's alive and has learned something new to help whenever he or we are in danger. That's a good thing.

Koneko: If you need to blame anyone, blame Akeno.

Issei: K-koneko, that's a bit harsh don't you think? Plus, it was (y/n) who agreed to-

Akeno: It's alright Issei...

All eyes go on Akeno. She's still giving a small smile but its one of sadness and sincerity as she speaks in a very solemn and sad tone.

Akeno: Koneko is right: I'm the one to blame for this. I shouldn't have fed the idea into (y/n)'s head that it was ok for him to immediately test himself like that. I kept it up and it led to him wanting me to go all out, which I complied to without thinking. I also pressured you guys into not only going with the idea but also further pressuring him to continue. I've failed you all, both as the Vice-President of the ORC and as the Queen of this peerage. With that being said, Rias...

Rias: Yes?

Akeno: Please don't take all your frustration out on (y/n), after all, it wasn't all his fault. Instead, take out your frustration on me for disappointing and failing you. I won't ask for forgiveness nor will I say "I'm sorry" because both of those aren't sufficient enough to compensate for what I've done, nor am I deserving of it. All I ask is that you go easy on (y/n)... please. (Bows)

Akeno bows and averts her eyes from mine as a way of showing respect to me and that she was truly sincere in everything she just said.

Rias: Akeno...

Akeno: Yes President?

Rias: Look at me.

Akeno stands back up straight so I can say what I need to say to her. I walk past (y/n) and stand in front of her, looking straight into her eyes.

Rias: Akeno... for all your teasing and sarcasm, you've never once disappointed nor failed me or this peerage. Yes, you did play a part in what just happened, but we all also had a part in it.

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