26: Angel?

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A/N: I know it's short but IDC.

Liam's POV

"I swear to you Liam," Ross follows me out of the antique store, "She doesn't care anymore." By now, I've become fed up with his nonstop badgering, and I roll my eyes,

"Ross, she does. I just have to talk to her" "She said it herself, man-" "Stop messing with me," I growl out, slinging my book bag over my shoulder as I exit the school building.

"I'm not. And I just want to let you know that I called my father," He hesitates as he speaks, and I suddenly have the urge to put a few more bruises on his face.

"You did what?" He stops in his tracks, shakes his head, then steps away, "I'm sorry. I warned her, but she has to be taught a lesson." I clench my fist, close to nailing him, when my phone goes off, "Hello?"

"Oh! Liam darling! I've been trying to reach you all day! Why weren't you answering?" "Mother," I speak in a stern tone, keen on calming her down,

"I'm fine. I just had a bad day- I can't explain. As for now, I'm about to get in Rhonda and come home. Sorry to worry you."

"Oh Liam," She sighs, and I can just see her tearing up, "it's alright, sweetie. I just need you to pick up an order for me from Yotuko's." "Sure, of course. Put it on the tab?" "Yes, sweetheart." "Ok, bye mom." "I love you, darling,"

Are her last words before I hang up, then stuff the phone back into my pocket. "You better be glad I have to run an errand," I growl out at my best friend who's acting like he knows whats best for my girlfriend.

I hurry over to my car, where I now see that people are crowded around, one of them being my father. "What's going on?" I question as I come closer to my vehicle. Oh crap what did I do now. "Son," My father speaks the word as if it's the calm before the storm, "it's about Analise."

"What's wrong? Is she sick? I'll go check on her-" I reach for the door handle, but he catches my wrist, a weary expression planted on his face.

"No, Liam. She's missing. She skipped school, and we found her phone laying on the ground a couple of streets away with signs of a struggle, and-" He stops, as if he's afraid what he says next will cause me to blow. "-and there was blood. Do you know anything about this?"

I'm sure my face is as white as a sheet. Blood? No. No. She can't be gone. She can't be!

"No, I have no idea." "Apparently someone picked her up, or kidnapped her before she made it back to the school. However, her phone seemed to be on 'record' mode, and we could hear her screaming for you, and then for Ross.

"We also heard this voice on the tape," He plays back the sound, and I hear the screams of my poor baby. The sounds of pain and fear cripple me mentally, but once I hear his voice, I instantly become enraged.


I rub the back of my head, my mind suddenly filling up with situations she could be stuck in right now. I become panicky at the thought of anything happening to her, and I quickly answer, "Y-yes. Wilder Simmons."

"Alright. We've put out an APB on her and we've sent descriptions everywhere," He places his hand consolingly on my shoulder, "Don't worry, son, we'll find her."

I sigh deeply as a large anxiety comes to hang over me. Out of the corner of my eye, someone shifts uncomfortably, and I instantly go into attack mode, "This is your fault!" I shout at Ross and whirl around to face him.

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