16: Jail-Time

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A/N: Crappy update. Inspiration-less. Hope you enjoy!

-IC Judah

"Babe, Andrew's here," Liam sticks his head in the room as I pull one of Liam's button-up shirts over my head. I loop a gray circle scarf around my neck, with black leggings, brown, tie-up, ankle-boots, a brown beanie, and a purse to match. "I'm ready," I sigh, combing my fingers through my straight hair. "You know," Liam comes up behind me and places his hands on my waist, "you don't have to do this."

"I need to," I answer before I can back out and cling to him like a child whilst begging him to not make me. "Ok. If you need me, just call, alright? And remember, he can't do anything to you anymore. You're mine," By now, he's turned me around and is cupping my face, his eyes staring into mine with so much meaning. I nod, and he mirrors the gesture, then pulls me out of my room by my hand.

We have to go down a flight or two of stairs until we're finally face to face with the front corridor. Andrew stands there, his arms locked together in front of him, his face a mask of displeasure due to waiting for me. He spots us coming down and unlocks his arms, "Ready to go?" "As I'll ever be," I mumble, reaching the landing. I'm about to go with him, but Liam grabs my wrist, yanks me back, and places a long, somewhat sloppy, kiss on my lips.

"Be safe," He says when he pulls back, then pecks my nose before releasing me. "Take care of her." Andrew seems annoyed at our PDA, and grabs my wrist, "Don't worry. I will. Like I always have." Really? Where were you when Devon was beating the life out of me and cutting me to pieces?

I half smile to Liam before I'm pulled from the house and placed into Andrew's green Camaro. He gets in his side, and then, we're off, my large mansion-like house disappearing in the side mirror until it's out of my sight. "So," He asks after a long minute of silence, "are you ready?" I slightly shrug up one shoulder, "Part of me is."

"What about the other part?" "The other part will probably urge me to crumble into a ball of tears and plead for my life when I see him." "He's changed, Annie." "Don't. Don't call me that." After my reprimand, he stays quiet; We both do. There's nothing more to be said about it. Today, I'm going to see him. The one who abused me and killed my best friend.

I think on what I'm about to do until we pull up to the prison. We go through security checks and have to fill out some personal information, but then we're cleared and sat at a metal table with metal chairs in the corner of a room filled with more metal tables and chairs. My hands begin to shake violently. Oh god. I'm going to see him. He's going to see me. Oh no, I can't do this. I can't! I have to get out of here-

The chair in front of me scrapes the concrete floor as it's pulled back for someone to sit in. I slowly lift my face up, my body trembling with fear, my eyes meeting the green emerald pools that used to fascinate and hypnotize me. He looks the exact same. Black wavy hair that falls just above his eyebrows, sculpted jaw line and high cheekbones, and pale pink lips. The only difference is that now, he wears an orange jumpsuit instead of a wife-beater and basketball shorts.

My lips part automatically to allow cool air to flow into my lungs at a faster pace. I instinctively inch towards Andrew and grip his leg, letting him know how terrified I am. "Hello, Andrew," He finally speaks, his voice an aphrodisiac even after all he's done. "Hey, Dev, how you doing?" "As fine as I can while I'm in prison, I guess," He shrugs, and stares to me. I keep my head down, hoping he won't say anything. "I see you've brought me a present."

His voice is filled with sarcasm instead of the usual threatening tone he'd always had. "Yeah. All the way from Cali." "Hmmm... How are you, Analise?" I'm surprised that he didn't use my nickname, 'Annie.' I'm glad he didn't. If he had, I probably would've burst into tears.

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