37: Company

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A/N: Hello Hello my pretties! I'm not sure if you guys read these, so Ima put this in all caps: THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER OF LIVING WITH THE BOYS!!!! I will most likely be doing an epilogue sometime this week; heck, i might even do it right now. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT AND READS THROUGHOUT THIS ROCKY STORY! For now, read on, vote on, comment on, share on.

"We are all bound as a school-- a town-- a state-- a nation. The ties that bind us cannot be broken-- even if our colleges are too far apart.

"So, my fellow students, I urge you to look past all of the sad goodbyes and think-- We're still bound together as a school-- as a class-- even if we're far apart.

"And we'll still be there for each other if needed. I want to thank all of you for this great high school experience and for all of the love and support through the years.

"I also want to thank Coach Nicholas for finally retiring, because, man, you're old." A laugh rings throughout the audience as Ian finishes his speech and steps down, approaching the seat next to me.

"Thank you, Ian Sanford, for that heartfelt speech. Now, for Analise Gates, our Salutatorian's, speech," The principal extends his hand towards my seat and my palms grow sweaty.

Maybe I should've prepared better. I step up to the podium and adjust the microphone to my height, making a small noise in my throat when it sounds like it breaks.

A chorus of laughter flows through the audience and I try to refocus myself. "Students and faculty of Abraham Lincoln High, I know this was only my first year at this school, but I would like to thank those of you who welcomed me with open arms.

"It's been a tough road, between cramming for exams, personal distractions, being kidnapped," I hear a few chuckles and gasps ring out, and add,

"Yeah, I'm that girl," before continuing on with my speech, "however, I couldn't have done any of it without the love and support from all my friends.

"So, I would like to thank a couple of people, if that's alright with you guys. And even if it isn't, I'm going to do it anyways because it's my speech," A ring of laughter floats to my ears and my nervousness is eased.

"Thank you, Vanessa for always keeping, well trying anyways, to keep me sociable. I know it wasn't easy.

"Thank you Jenna, for being my rock and keeping me level-headed. Thank you to Tiffany, for remaining positive in the face of any and all adversity. Thank you to Wyatt, Jeremy, Jameson, and Brian for always being there when I had a problem.

"I would sincerely like to thank Liam for everything that he's done for me this past year. I know I'm not easy to put up with, so it really means a lot that you would stick with me through all of the terrible things that have happened,"

I meet Liam's gray eyes and he winks at me, a small smirk playing over his face. "And lastly, I want to thank Ian, for always keeping me on track in school, life-- you name it.

"You've always been there, in the background, waiting to pick me up if I fall. You're the most sincere and down-to-earth person I've ever met, and hopefully I'll see you around at Harvard."

I pause, ready to end my speech simply because I don't want this to turn into something overly-emotional, but then I remember something,

"And, lastly, thanks a million to Cindy and Greg for letting me stay in your house and not kicking me out, no matter how much I annoyed you guys."

More laughter comes from the crowd and I stand there for a moment, not sure what to do next, "Well... that's it," I awkwardly step away from the podium and hurry back to my seat next to Ian, who's grinning like the Cheshire cat.

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