Christmas Eve Special Ova

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Y/n finished up the stockings, while the twins were decorating the tree. They're very excited for Christmas, Grandpa and David just finished with the feast.

"Sis, what do you want for Christmas?" Mina asked, as her older sister turned to her and looked up at the tree.

"I'm not sure. But I'll wait for it." Y/n answered with a smile, as Mina looked confused and smiled in return, before they heard the door bell ringed

"I'll get it." David said as he reach the door and opened it, to see Kari, Haru, and Yuma.

"Kari, Yuma, Mrs. Tsukumo, come in." He greeted as they walked in

"Hello, Merry Christmas Eve." Retsu greeted as Y/n and the twins said, "Merry Christmas Eve."

"Merry Christmas Eve to you too" Haru greeted as Kari smile, before Yuma gave Y/n a flustered look as Kari noticed and smirked at her brother.

"Kari, come look at the tree." Scott and Mina said in unison, they hold her hands and lead her towards the tree

"Wow. It looks great." She said in awe

"Indeed. It's wonderful." Haru agreed

Y/n and Yuma sat on the couch smiling at the sight, until Astral asked, "Yuma, what is 'Christmas Eve'?"

"Christmas Eve is when you spend time with family and friends, it's the eve before Christmas." Yuma answered

"Yes. It's about family and friends coming together, it's like Thanksgiving, but when Christmas Day comes, you'll see gifts under the tree." Y/n added, as they remembered the time they spend together with their parents before they left.


"Dad, look what I made." a ten year-old Y/n walked up to her father and show him a ornament with a dragon, Chihiro gave a smile

"That look very nice." He responded

"Can I put on the tree?" She asked

"Sure." He said, before picking her up as Y/n put it on the tree

"Now that's a Christmas tree." Lance added, as Rukia holding three month old Scott and Mina in her arms, and twelve-year old David walked over to them and smiled with joy.

"Is that the ornament you made at School, Y/n?" Mary asked

"Yes." Y/n said as the door bell ringed

"I'll get it." Retsu walked over to the front door, and opened it to see the Tsukumos.

"Hello, Retsu." Mrs. Tsukumo greeted

"Hello, come in." He let them in

"Hi, Y/n." a ten-year old Yuma greeted

"Hi, Yuma." she gave him a bone squishing hug

"I'm so glad you came." Y/n said, still hugging

"Me...too." Yuma said between breaths

"Y/n, dear, can you let him go please?" Rukia giggled before Y/n noticed and lets Yuma go, as he breath heavily

"Sorry about that." She said

"It's...o..okay." Yuma said with a blush on his face

"I must say you're excited for this year, right?" Haru asked

"Of course, we just finished the tree, how about some dinner?" Chihiro asked

"Yes, please." They said in unison

(End of Flashback)

Yuma and Y/n smiled by that memory, they've treasured so far. But felt sad, since their fathers never came, and Y/n's mother got ill and passed away, leaving her, David, and the twins in their grandparents, not long before Y/n's grandmother passed away. But they stay strong for them, until they become the best duelists.

"Yeah, when you have good times, you'll treasured them as long as you want." Yuma said before he noticed Y/n sleeping quietly in a peaceful state against him, which made him blush, he found it cute when she sleeps, he hugged her against his chest, and falls asleep. Later, David pulled a blanket over them, as Kari and Haru smiled at the sight.

"That's so sweet." Kari said

"I wondered what their children would look like." David said, before they chuckled slightly at the cute sight. Astral and Rhea observed closely at the sight.


There we have it. Happy Christmas Eve, Everyone, and I hope you have a good holiday, too.

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