Chapter Three: Christmas

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Chapter Three: Christmas



Mom has been buying me... books.

Some very interesting, painfully not-subtle books about teen sex and relationships, in an attempt to educate me.

This latest one, Finally... by Judy Blume, was really depressing, actually. And super awkward. These teenagers fell in love except their families kept hinting at them that they were too young for that kind of commitment. And then they had sex, and it was... um, not very romantic. It made me cringe because the guy kept... um, well... you know, way too early and... then they got it to work but eventually the main character fell out of love with him, and...

"Mom," I groan, unimpressed, dropping the book onto the couch beside her once I finished it. "What exactly were you trying to tell me with this book?"

She smiles a small, mildly-amused Mom smile at me. "It's a classic, honey."

"It was really sad."

She shrugs. "It was supposed to be realistic."

I cross my arms and plop down onto the sofa next to her, my eyes focusing on the brightly-decorated Christmas tree that glitters next to the fireplace across the living room from us. "I definitely prefer fantasy."

Romantic literature is so much more, well, romantic.

"I just want you to have some... facts, Ophelia. Have you gotten to Looking for Alaska yet?"

I roll my eyes. "It's next on my list, but if it's as heart-wrenching as The Fault in Our Stars then I might have to give it a skip."

She gives my shoulder a squeeze. "Life isn't all butterflies and unicorns, pumpkin."

"Well, I know that but I just prefer not to think about it, you know?"

A resigned sigh. "I guess you'll just have to learn the hard way some day..."

I shove her arm gently and she laughs. "Why are you suddenly so pessimistic, mom? Geez."

"Just want you to be... you know. Prepared for the world." She musses my hair. "I think I've kept you nice and sheltered for long enough."

I can't help but giggle. "One hickey, and suddenly I need to face the hard facts of life?"

"Yes, exactly. Made me realize that you're not a little kid anymore."

Aw. She sounds kinda sad as she says it. I lean in and wrap my arms around her shoulders. "I'll always be your little girl, Mom."

She gives my hair a tender pat before saying, "Love you, sweetheart. Now, go, shoo, before you make me cry."

She's hitting menopause and her hormones are all over the place.

"Love you, too."


Christmas is on a Tuesday this year. Our family goes a little... overboard. I mean, we have three Christmas dinners. The weekend right before Christmas, we'll drive into Hamilton to have dinner with Grandma Nelly and Grandpa Andrew and Aunt Katie and Uncle Martin and my cousins. And then, on Christmas Eve, we'll have dinner at Grandma Erika and Grandpa Will's, with Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Nick and their kids there too.

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