Chapter Fourteen: Advice

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Chapter Fourteen: Advice



I touched Luke's penis.

Well, like, through the fabric, of course. But still. I don't think the English language has words to describe the rush of warmth and electricity and inexplicable want that flooded through my body when I felt him, warm and hard and rigid, beneath my fingers.

As soon as his parents came home, it kinda ruined the mood.

I thought maybe we'd have time to make-out a bit, touch each other, rub our bodies together the same way we did last Wednesday, but nope.

Life is so... unfair.

It was later than we both realized. I had to go home and have dinner and go to soccer practice.

Except the entire time I was quite... distracted.

While we were doing drills, I kept imagining what could've happened if Luke's parents didn't interrupt us.

Maybe I... wouldn't have taken my hand away. Maybe I would... squeeze him a little.

Or maybe I'd take my jeans off, take my bra off, and we'd make-out like we did last week, laying on his bed, with my legs around his waist, with him rubbing his lower body against mine until we both... came.

My face is so flushed just thinking about it, and there are so many feelings churning and tugging in my gut.

Oh my gosh. That all sounds so incredibly inappropriate.

Am I too... young to want those things? It's just... I look at him, and touch him, and hear him, and smell him and my body just gets so... hot for him.

Even though thinking of all the bad things we could do together is scary but completely exhilarating.

How do I know if I'm ready for those things? How do I decide if it's okay for us to do those things?

I have the urge to maybe... ask Mom for advice. She always has the best advice.

But I don't want to make her worried, or disappointed. Talking to her about it would just be so awkward.

And what if she tells that she thinks I should wait until I'm done high school or turn eighteen or something?

I'm not sure I want to... wait so long.

Well, Sienna and Darcy both did lots of... stuff by the time they were sixteen. Sienna said she lost her virginity when she was sixteen.

I'm not talking about having sex. Definitely not yet.

But like... third base stuff?

Which is kinda concerning because we literally just got to second base like... just less than three weeks ago.

Are we moving too fast?

This is all so frustrating!

Why can't there just be a book with the rules that tells you how old you have to be to do this stuff? So that I don't have to feel guilty or ashamed for it.

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