Chapter Twelve: Drunk

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Chapter Twelve: Drunk



"Who's DDing for you guys?" Aunt Mel asks, shooting a skeptical eyebrow in Darcy's direction as he, Sienna and I stand in the front foyer of their house, putting on our shoes and jackets.

"Michael," Darcy replies. "Should be back by... One? Two?"

Aunt Mel rolls her eyes and Darcy gives her a playful smirk, says "Love you, Mom," and plants a peck on her cheek. Her hard expression melts.

I hold back a knowing snort. I doubt Aunt Mel knows everything that Darcy and Sienna get up to when they go out, and honestly if she did know I think it'd send her into a coma.

I've been out for drinks with friends a couple times since I turned eighteen but honestly, it's not really my thing.

But it's a Friday night and they insisted I come out with them, so... I guess a drink or two won't hurt.

Ophelia's sitting in the living room watching TV. She gets up as I'm on my way out, walks over to me, gives me these pouty lips that really make me wanna kiss her.

"Don't be stupid like my brother," are her parting words to me. I chuckle, tug her against my chest for a quick hug.

I know she feels left out, because she can't go out with us or drink or party. Not that, I think, partying would really be her thing. Definitely isn't mine.

Darcy and Sienna, on the other hand, are a different story.

Darcy and his friends all take turns being the DD. Michael is some friend from Darcy's poli-sci program at U of T. I honestly dread for when it's my turn because babysitting Darcy and Sienna's drunk asses isn't exactly my definition of a good time.

When Justin and I go out, sometimes we'll rope Khaled into DDing for us but he understandably dislikes it, so.

Darcy glances out the window by the front door. "He's here."

"Be safe," Aunt Mel advises.

"Always, Mom," Darcy promises, although somehow that doesn't really reassure her. No surprises there.

It's a little after 8 PM as we pile into Michael's car on our way to some bar or club or other.

Apparently Darcy and Sienna have a couple places planned for tonight. Starting at some bar and then ending up at a house party later.

I can't wait until Ophelia is old enough to come out. It isn't as fun doing things like this without her.

We end up in a group of a dozen people or so, some of whom I know and others I don't.

I find myself sitting between Sienna and a guy named Sam who graduated in the same class as Sienna and I.

Apparently he's in his first year of eng at U of T, so we have something to talk about over a round of beer.

"If you get into Waterloo, man, you should definitely go. They have the best co-ops and internships next to U of T."

"I'm hoping to stick around Toronto. Don't wanna leave my family and friends, you know?"

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