☠ f i v e ☠

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f i v e

"I told you to stay away from her!" Felix yelled at Sam, his grip tight on his Hollister shirt as he held him against the wall in the empty art room.

Sam had went there to draw freely, Jake always gave him shit when he did it in front of him and Mia kept pestering him to draw her. He didn't even take art as a class, even though he wanted to. His dad wouldn't approve and his brother's would slag him to no end so.

"I am!" Sam protested weakly, mourning the painting he had started that was now under a full cup of water that he'd toppled in his freak out when Felix grabbed without no warning.

"It didn't look like it last night when you were in the auditorium leering like a creeper," Felix argued, coming right into Sam's space. The smell of cigarettes was strong and Sam almost graoned and rolled his eyes to the back of his head from that with the touch of Felix's knuckles on his bare chest.

"I'm not a creeper!" He totally was.

Felix laughed again, cold and heartless, the light not reaching his gray eyes. That is until they flicked down to Sam's open sketchbook where a pencil drawing of Jake and Mia was, smiling. They lit up in interest, letting go of Sam's shirt and went for the book instead. "Did you draw this?" He asked, surprised and impressed as he traced the outline, carefully so he wouldn't smudge the carbon.

"Eh, yeah." He answered," it's sort of a stupid hobby. It's nothing."

"You're really good." Felix said sincerely, now looking through the whole of it. Sam snatched it off him before Felix found drawings he wouldn't be too pleased with.

"Thanks," Sam said, clutching the book to his chest.

"Sorry about the painting," Felix swung his hand a little to the puddle of mud on the table. He even looked sorry. To be honest Sam had basically forgotten all about it until Felix mentioned it.

"No problem, it was bad anyway."

Felix grinned, actually smiled with less teeth than his usual baring. "I'm sure." Sam noticed he had dimples." I'll leave you to it then." And he was off. Sam was tracing the eyes of his painting when Felix came back again," stay away from her." He warned again, pointing a finger as he hung half way through the door and disappeared again.

Sam was found rubbing his chest and grinning like a loon until the bell rang.

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