:5: The Wisdom Of Children

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:5: The Wisdom Of Children

Riley's POV

"Mom!" I yelled, slamming the door behind me.

Auggie and Ava looked up at me from the couch. "Topanga's not here," Ava told me.

"She's having a nap. She said she had a headache from Ava and I yelling AVAAAA MORGENNNNSTERRRRRN!" he informed me, making sure to yell it himself. "Why? Why do you need her?"

"It's a girl thing, Auggie."

"You think I don't know about girls?" he questioned.

"Yeah, and I am a girl! I'm Auggie's girlfriend! Girlfriend has the word girl in it," Ava chimed in.

"Um, ok then. Well, there's this guy I like, Lucas-" I started.

"A boy? EWWWW!" Auggie screamed, running in circles around the living room.

Ava's face brightened. "I've always wanted to do this! Riley and Lucas sitting in a tree! A-B-C-D-E-F-G!" she screeched triumphantly, and ran around after Auggie.

I was beginning to understand why Mom had a headache.

"That's disgusting!" Auggie said, sitting down on the floor abruptly. Ava tripped over him and landed sprawled over his legs.

"I'm gonna give you advice, Riley! You should kiss the Lucas-boy," Ava said as she struggled to her feet. She climbed on the couch and put her hands on my shoulders.

"No Ava! That's gross," Auggie said, standing up beside her.

"No it isn't! I kiss you all the time," Ava said, as she kissed his cheek to prove her point. "Anyway Riley, you should take him to an ice cream shop and then tell him you love him. Then you can both eat ice-cream and be happy, and you'll stay happy for ages, because everyone loves ice-cream. Now let's go, Auggie," she said, then grabbed Auggie's hand and jumped off the couch, pulling him off with her.

Auggie waved me closer to him, then stared at me right in the eyes, before giving me a solemn piece of advice. "I still think it's disgusting, but maybe you should like him, because Ava says you should, and Ava is my older woman." He then ran out of the room with Ava running along beside him.

From Auggie's room, I could hear a faint "AVAAAA MORGENNNNSTERRRRRN!" I smiled and flopped down on the couch.


If you realised that I made Ava quote Morgan Matthews (from Boy Meets World) then you are my new favourite person.

By the way, I don't know if Rucas will happen or if Lucaya will happen. But I will tell you this: stuff will happen. There will be drama.

Follow me on Twitter (@SabrinaC_Rowan) and help @farkleswift and I trend #Kinkus (Harley Keiner and Stuart Minkus's ship name. We made it up).

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