:25: Too Early

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:25: Too Early

Riley's POV

5th of July, 2015

As I sat in an uncomfortable chair in the hospital waiting room, with Auggie's head resting on my shoulder as he dozed, I reflected on the past 6 hours.

Mom was in a hospital room with Dad right now. Very soon, I'd be a sister again.

Maya and Lucas hurried into the hospital, soaking wet, because it was pouring rain outside.

"Riley!" Maya called, as she rushed over to me. "We got your text."

"Yeah, and wasn't the baby supposed to be due in a month?" Lucas asked.

"Yes, and I'm really worried. A month is too early," I said, worriedly.

Uncle Eric, who was sitting on the other side of Auggie, turned to us. "The kid will be alright. Josh was born early too, and he made it."

Maya sat in the chair beside me, and Lucas sat beside her. "So, you didn't know the gender of the baby, right?" she asked.

"No, Mom and Dad wanted it to be a surprise."

"I guess we'll find out soon then," Lucas said.

We sat in silence for 5 minutes, then Maya abruptly grabbed Lucas' arm and pulled him to his feet.

"Be right back," she mumbled, pulling him outside.

Maya's POV

Once we were outside, I turned to Lucas.

"Yes," I told him.

"What?" he asked, looking adorably confused.

"I will run away with you."

His eyes widened. "Are you sure? That was a while ago that I asked, and we've learnt to date in secret. I will if you're certain you want to though."

"Yes. I'm positive. We can leave in a couple of weeks."

He pulled me closer until I was completely encircled in his arms.

"If that's what you want, Goldilocks."

I playfully pushed him. "That's not happening."

He grinned and then kissed me.

Riley's POV

I frowned as Maya and Lucas came back inside. "What were you guys doing?"

"Nothing," Maya quickly said, but her face looked a bit pink.

However, what happened next completely put that out of my mind.

A doctor came out of the room Mom and Dad were in. "Family and friends of Topanga and Cory Matthews?"

Uncle Eric and I nodded.

"Come with me," the doctor said, his face showing no emotion.

Everyone stood up, and I gently shook Auggie awake.



Also, we haven't seen Farkey in a while. I wonder why...

Question time!

Do you think Corpanga's kid will be a boy or a girl?

Xoxo, stay fabulous!

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