:26: Good Morning, Sunshine

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:26: Good Morning, Sunshine

Riley's POV

We quietly stepped into the hospital room after the doctor, who closed the door and left, to give us some privacy I guess. Mom was lying in bed sleeping, while Dad sat in an armchair beside the bed holding her hand.

"Hi, everyone," Dad said softly. We all said hello back to him.

"Where's the kid?" Uncle Eric asked.

Dad smiled and gestured behind me. We turned around and I slowly walked to the corner of the room.

The baby, a little girl, lay in a crib, covered in wires and tubes. She was so... tiny. That was the only word I could think of. She was so still as well, her only movement being the slight rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.

"Good morning, Sunshine," I whispered.

Uncle Eric joined me. "What's her name, Cor?" he asked, turning back around.

"Well, we haven't actually decid-" Dad started to say, before Mom started mumbling something.

"Annalise," she said almost inaudibly, her eyes still closed. "Annalise Lacey Matthews."

Dad smiled. "Yes. I like that. Annie Matthews."

I turned back to my little sister and smiled, knowing that my nickname for her would never be Annie. It'll always be Sunny.


Really dang short chapter but AWWWW.

Annie Matthews (or, as Riley will call her, Sunny) will be portrayed by Mia Talerico. Just picture Mia throughout various stages of her life.

Also, story behind Annie's name: there's a 8-year-old girl who has the same drama teacher as me, and she's insanely talented (no, seriously. She has more talent in her big row than I do in all of me). Her name is Annalise, or as everyone calls her, Annie. Lacey is the name of my dance teachers daughter, and I've always found it such a pretty name.

I've just realised its really ironic for Sunny to be her nickname, because she was born on a rainy day.

Xoxo, stay fabulous!

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