:16: A Master Plan (Part 1)

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:16: A Master Plan (Part 1)

Cory's POV.

On Monday, the day after Topanga had told the kids about the baby, I arrived at school at 6am. Normally, I wouldn't come to school this early, but I needed to tell Farkle my master plan.

"Farkle?" I called out when I saw him at his locker.

"Mr Matthews, you wanted to see me?"

"Okay, we need a plan to get Riley and Maya on speaking terms again. Any ideas?" I asked him.

"Hmm, I might just have a plan!" Farkle decided, smiling. "We'll have to be careful though. They're not going to be happy with us if they figure the plan out."


Maya's POV

I traipsed into school at 8am the next morning, to find Farkle running over to me.

"Maya!" he called.

"Good morning, Farkle."

"Yeah, it is," he said vaguely. "Maya, Mr Matthews asked me to get something out of the classroom for him, but I have to go to the library. Could you get it?"

"Um, okay, what do I need to get?"

"A... a ruler!" he stammered.

"Okay then, I'll see you later," I said, as I started down the hallway towards the class.


Not much happened in this chapter, and I'm sorry about that. Also, Lucas hasn't been in a chapter for SO LONG.

Lets play a game! Who said this:

"On the first day of Christmas, I murdered Santa Claus!"


What do you think the master plan is?

Shoutout to Cassie (@RowanandSabrina) for being an amazing person.

Xoxo, stay fabulous!

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