:11: After Lunch

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:11: After Lunch

Lucas's POV

I ran into Maya after lunch. Literally.

"Oof," she mumbled then looked up at me. "Oh. Hi."

"How are you?" I asked her.

"Terrible!" she wailed, her mood changing instantly. "Riley hates me now."

I pulled her into a hug and felt her relax against me. "She's not exactly talking to me either. I tried to talk to her earlier but she just ran away crying."

"She's my best friend. I have no one else," Maya sniffled.

I leant down and kissed her on the lips. "You still have me. Is that good enough?"

She grinned up at me. "It'll have to do for now," she giggled, resting her head on my chest.


Farkle's POV.

"Riley?" I asked, nudging her side. I had managed to track her down, she was lying down on the floor in the school library, moaning softly.

"What do you want, Farkle?"

"I want you to be Maya's friend again."

She sat up at glared at me. "No!" she snapped. "Why should I? She stole the guy that I like away from me, Farkle. I hate her!"

"Riley!" I said, shocked. In the whole time I've known Riley, she's refused to say that she hated anyone, even Missy Bradford. And yet here she was, saying that she hated someone who, less than a week ago, had been her best friend. "You know that's not true."

"I don't know what to believe anymore, Farkle. I thought Lucas liked me. Apparently he doesn't. I thought Maya was my friend. Apparently she isn't. And I thought that you would always take my side, so I wouldn't be alone, and yet here you are!"

"Riley, you are one of the best friends I've ever had. So is Maya. Everyone at this school knows that you two should be friends, and so do the both of you. So please, for the sake of everyone, can you two just make up?"

She looked at me sadly, before she stood up and walked off to class.


Ooh! Two POV's in one chapter!

Writing the Lucaya part made me wanna go "AWWWW", even though they aren't one of my GMW OTP'S. Still. They're pretty flipping cute. I felt all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Stay fabulous!

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