Chapter 11

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The next day Colby wakes to see Becky watching Christmas movies and Kevin snuggled in her lap. Colby smiles and walks up behind her and covers her eyes as she smiles.

Becky: Morning, Hottie.

Colby chuckles.

Colby: First, good morning and second you are the hot one in this relationship.

Becky: Please have you seen you? You freakin sexy.

Colby: Is that so? Well have you seen you? You drop dead gorgeous. You have all this beauty and it goes with your heart of gold, and beautiful, smart brain of yours. You are the most beautiful woman in the world.

Becky blushes and Colby tilts her chin up and kisses her softly and slowly savoring the moment. Almost like converting it to memory.

Becky: So what time do we have to be at the court house cause I still have some shopping to do before Christmas and it's in 3 days?

Colby: 2pm. I have my lawyer and the adoption papers for Kevin. And our schedules and finances that show Kevin is well taken care of and loved in fact we are bringing Kevin with us because my lawyer said he may have the bailiff put Kevin in the center and you and me on one side and Leighla on the other and let Kevin decide.

They got Kevin and Becky held him the entire way there and she tried not cry because just the thought of losing Kevin to that psycho Leighla broke her heart. When they got in Leighla had an evil smirk on her face. She had doctored pictures and reports that said Becky and Colby abused Kevin. But when Becky and Colby showed the judge pictures of the house and how it was nothing but Kevin and Darrell, the black fat cat, and the Christmas tree with presents for both Darrell and Kevin the judge teared up.

Judge: Ms. Quin-

Becky: Your Honor I would prefer Mrs. Lopez please.

Judge: My apologies. Mrs Lopez it seems you have come to love Kevin. And he loves you.

Becky: He is my fur baby. I used to have a pug and that was the kind of dog I wanted but then Colby introduced me to Kevin and the minute he snuggled into my lap I fell in love. Please don't take away my fur baby.

Judge: I have a solution we shall let Kevin decide by running to who he wants to be with. Bring the dog forth.

Becky and Colby got on one end of the room and Leighla on the other.

Judge: On the count of 3. Ready.

Before the judge could start counting Kevin took off and ran to Becky and Colby who just held him close and Becky cried.

Leighla: That's not fair. He's mine. Those people can't take care of him. He needs attention and they abuse him.

Judge: Hey!

Leighla: What?

Everyone in the courtroom: Shut up!

Judge: I dont believe a word you say Ms. Schultz. All legal rights to Kevin Lopez go to Colby and Rebecca Lopez. Leighla Schultz is hearby stripped of all rights to the dog. And she is under arrest for falsified vet records and police records and perjury. Bailiff take this into custody. Court is dismissed.

Leighla: I hate you Colby! I wish I never met you.

Colby: That's the difference between you and me. I have no regrets because our relationship led us to Kevin but your lies led you to losing him. Goodbye Leighla.

Becky finished her Christmas shopping and she got more presents for Kevin. Colby couldnt help but chuckle and smile at her. He felt so lucky and glad he proposed and is gonna marry her. He loves her like crazy and wouldn't want to spend his life with anyone else.

Colby: Hey, Silly Girl.

Becky: Hmm.

Colby: You know I love you, right.

Becky: I love you, too.

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