Episode 4

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"OK, let's hear the first love problem from our caller! He's from Gangnam! Everyone, please welcome our first caller," Dahyun is a huge help in maintaining comfort and ease between me and Jeongyeon. I still don't know how to approach her because I'm shy around strangers. "Let us hear your problem."

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Hong Woo Bin from Gangnam." The caller introduced himself. "I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for five years already, but during those five years, we are in an on-off relationship. I love her, but I'm getting tired of that kind of relationship, so I cheated. I love both of my girlfriends right now, but my new one is nagging me to marry her even though we've only been dating for a year. Please help me." It was jawdropping. I didn't get the caller's point. I don't know what he wants to do, but whatever he did is still wrong.

Jeongyeon looked at me and signaled me if I want to give an advice to him, but I passed. Whatever he did is wrong and I only think that the consequences that he is receiving right now is deserving.

"Hi Woo Bin, this is Jeongyeon from TWICE." I stared at her and thought that she looked cool giving advices. "The only thing I can say is...you should have ended your relationship with your original girlfriend right from the start. I think there is little trust in your relationship. That's why it is not working out. I am sure that both sides lack something, but you don't have to look for another person to fill what is lacking from your partner. If you really love your girlfriend, you shouldn't have cheated. You could've talked things through or just broke up with her." She paused. I glanced at Dahyun and noticed that she is also focused on what her unnie is saying.

I am amazed with what Jeongyeon said. I get her point and she is right. "For now, I think the best thing to do is to rest your mind for a while and make a decision. You may want to decide something that would not hurt any of your girlfriends and even you, but there will be pain. There will always be pain in a relationship." She ended the advice with those words of wisdom. I was left astounded. For a woman who is not fond of being in a relationship (it's what I heard from Nayeonie), I would say that she looks like she had a lot of past experiences before.

"Ah, what words of wisdom from Jeongyeon unnie!" Dahyun clapped. "Woo Bin, please put into your heart and mind what Jeongyeon unnie said. All right?"

"Yes, sunbaenim. Thank you~" The call ended and Dahyun gave Jeongyeon a thumbs up which made her giggle. I chuckled as well and waited for the next caller.

"For our next caller, she is from Gwangju. Please welcome Shin Hye Rin. Let us hear your love problem!" Dahyun gestured me to listen well to her, so I focused even though I'm a little shy because Jeongyeon is surely looking at me.

"Hi, I'm Shin Hye Rin from Gwangju." She paused. "I know that my boyfriend is cheating on me for a year already, but I can't let him go because I love him so much and I'm pregnant with his baby. I'm not telling this to him yet because I'm afraid he would leave me for his new girlfriend. Also, the first caller was my boyfriend." I was petrified. Did I just hear it right? It was his wacko boyfriend who called earlier?

I saw Jeongyeon shake her head sideways while Dahyun has her eyes wide open from shock. "A-Annyeonghaseyo, this is Jimin from BTS." I can't believe I stuttered! "I think you should tell him that you're pregnant with his baby. For sure, you don't want your baby to grow up without a father, right? Make him make up for the things he faulted." Actually, I don't know what I'm saying anymore. I just let my heart say what it wants to say. "He does love you and for sure he will accept the baby rather than accepting the marriage from the other girlfriend. Congratulations on having a baby. I wish all the good things for you and your family."

"Thank you for your wisdom~" She then ended the call and the segment finished. Dahyun asked me and Jeongyeon if we could perform the song that we practised. I was really nervous, but it's okay. I know we will pull off the best performance because we're both singers.


I was only staring at Jeongyeon while she was singing with both of her eyes closed. This lady is really pretty. Damn. The song finished and it's time for us to go home already. Dahyun thanked us first before we head home.

As soon as we reached the car, I offered Jeongyeon to drive her home. She agreed right away.

"Your singing was good," I told her as we get stuck in traffic. "No wonder you're an idol." She laughed shyly and told me that it was nothing. She's too humble, wow.

"Yours was good, too." She complimented and so we fell into awkwardness again. "Will you sing for me in the future?" She asked.

I giggled, "I would sing for you every day if you'd like."

"Aigoo~" We both laughed. I realized that I haven't asked her still what are her preferences in men.

"What's your ideal type?" I asked her. I don't know why I'm nervous to know. "Were you expecting me to be your husband?"

"Do you want an honest answer or a sugarcoated one?" She asked which made me burst a laugh. Wow, this girl is really something.

"I'd be happy if you're going to be honest." I told her.

She hummed and nodded, "Well, I was expecting an actor, hahaha~" I laughed with her. She wasn't expecting me, huh? "No idol came across in my mind."

"Why not?"

"I don't know," she answered. "But I did thought that it would be older than me."

"I prefer women who are younger than me." I said. We're only a few blocks away from her unit. I don't know if I should walk her until she reaches the room or just watch her enter the building.

"We may be a match in that part." She smiled, so I did, too. Her smile was comforting and it just makes her prettier. "I like funny guys. The type who will make me laugh always." I should look for funny jokes on the internet.

"Well, we're here." I said and we fell into silence once more. I don't know how we should say farewell from each other because it's still awkward. It's not like I'm close to her. "See you," I spoke.

She turned her head towards me and waved a good bye, "Bye."

"Ah, I forgot," I took something from my pocket and gave it to her. "A little gift from me to you to commemorate our first day as a married couple." She smilingly took it from me and opened the box.

"Bracelet?" She asked and I nodded. "It's pretty, thank you."

"I also have one with me," I showed her my bracelet on my wrist. "It's matching."

"I appreciate it very much." With that, we said our final farewells and I watched her enter the building safely before going home.



"How was your first day as a couple?"

"It's refreshing," Jeongyeon answered. "I've seen many sides of him as we go through today. He's a happy pill, I guess? He likes to laugh. Also, I appreciate this bracelet that he gave me as a gift." She showed the bracelet on her wrist.

"Please say something to your virtual husband."

"Min oppa," she laughed just by mentioning a name she's calling him. "Thank you for this bracelet. Let's make a lot of memories in the future!"


a little apology for the slow pacing of the story. i'm not sure how to write this because i'm just watching wgm from a screen. i don't know how does it work in a technical manner, so i'm sorry. nonetheless, i promise to work harder! :)

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