Episode 13

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"The watch."

Jeongyeon giggled shyly and looked away from the camera, "It didn't cost me too much." Everyone behind the camera ohh-ed from her statement.

"What were your thoughts while handing out the present?"

"Hmm," she pouted and tried to remember the moment. "I was anxious. I don't know if he will like it, but to see that look on his face was priceless."



"Jagi," I called her and held her hands. "I left my honeymoon gift for you back in Seoul." She chuckled and nodded her gead repeatedly with a short smile.

"It's OK." She said and leaned back to her chair. We watched the sunset before our eyes as our hands hold each other.

I don't know what she feels about us. All I know is that my feelings are becoming real and real day after day. I am afraid because this should all be virtual, but I'm stupid for falling. I don't think I will be able to move on from the series once we end.

I noticed a ukulele sitting beside me by the sand. I took it and started strumming a few chords as I hum a song. "Wandering the streets all through the night," I started off. I doubted that she knows the song, but she does.

She followed, "Searching for the one to make me right," our eyes locked for a while and I had to look away. If I'm falling, I want it to be slow and sure. I couldn't see her reaction. I could only hear my heart beat pounding loudly.

"Wondering if she's the shade of you," I continued. "And if so, should I try to see it through?" My eyes widened when she took my cheek and tilted my face to hers. I didn't know what to do because everything felt surreal. Shit, Jimin. Why did you have to fall for her through a virtual marriage? That's just absurd.

She proceeded with the chorus of the song,

"Darling, I got my trust issues."

So do I, Jeongyeon, but you seem different.

"Warning, you stay away."

I won't stay away if it's you whom I should avoid.

"If we meet at the rendezvous."

We already did.

"Take me away, sunray." We both sang that last line of the chorus and the sun had already set. It felt magical for a second.

I would take you away.

I don't know why I couldn't get the courage to stare back at her. It's all these feelings inside me that I can't explain.

"Here, it's gonna get cold." I took off my outer clothing and gave it to her. She must have felt shy, but she still took the jacket. "Should we head back?" I asked her, both of my elbows against my knees. She nodded and stood up. I was about to do the same, but she held out her hand as if she's helping me to stand up.

I took her hand and held each other tightly. We went back to the hotel only to be escorted back to our room. The staff told us to dress for dinner, so I guess I'll have to wear my best yet.


What do I expect? She's stunning.

"You always take my breath away," I smiled and escorted her towards the terrace of the hotel room. I pulled her a seat just like I always do and gave her a bouquet of flowers.

This is my promise.

Never a day shall pass without me giving her flowers.

"What a surprise," she smiled as she takes it from me. "What are our plans for tomorrow?" She asked.

"We'd go to the town and see some attractions." I told her. We both heard a knock on the door, so I initiated to open it. It's room service and our dinner is here. The room boy flashed a smile and served our dishes. There's a lot, but with her stomach, I think she'll finish it all. Of course, with my help.

I gave the guy some tip and went back to dinner with my wife. "Bon appetit." She smiled.

We enjoyed the dinner together. Casual talks and endless jokes.

All through the night, we were just laughing comfortably. My heart just feels...

...at peace.


After the dinner, we decided to go to sleep already. It has been a long day for us both. We brought our own pyjamas and I think that's cute. This will be the first time I'm seeing her dressed in night clothes because even though we live in the same apartment, we don't sleep there every night especially after filming. We always bid our good byes and go back to our normal lives.

That's saddening, but what choice do we have?

I only wear boxers whenever I go to sleep, but it's different now. I have a wife and this is broadcasted.

The lights were dim and I was the first one to finish showering. I'm just waiting for her before sleeping.

After a while, she showed up. She was drying her hair and we both caught each others' eyes. I flashed a smile and gestured her to come to me, "Why?" She asked, vexed.

"Just come, jagi." I said sweetly. She stepped towards me, a little confused. "Please sit down, your back facing me." She did what I asked her to do. I took her towel and dried her hair for her.


"Let me~" I said fondly. I can see her pout through the mirror, so I chuckled. I guess I can say that I did the job perfectly. I also combed her hair before we go to bed.

"Thank you," she said and stood up. I chinked my eyes and scrunched my nose. "You know what?"

"Hmm?" I hummed.

She cupped my cheeks and rubbed her thumbs gently, "Let me massage you."

I was surprised, "What?"

She laughed and came to bed. She then went behind me to start massaging. "Ahh~" I can't help but to moan. She massages really well, gosh.

"Can you feel it?" She asked, giggling.

"So much!" I exclaimed. She then asked me to lay down, so I did. She massaged my back and my calves. My legs did hurt from walking so much.

I didn't even realize that I fell into deep slumber as she massages me.


Hi, guys! To my Filipino readers, would you all support me if I'll publish a non-bangtwice book in our language? Please make a comment in this section! Thank you~

Don't forget to vote, comment and share! <33


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