23. Viktor's POV

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Kaine took a deep breath before turning away. Just as he turned, he froze at the sight of someone familiar. The man had a height about 1.9m, he had an elegant black coat with simple white shirt, long black pants, and black leather European-style shoes. His face was handsome with his light pale skin under the sunlight, the thin pair of lips pursed into a straight line. His silver eyes calmly, steadily staring at the jade-like boy in front of him and was lost in thought. His eyes revealed a flash of emotions in a moment before disappearing.

Even though it was fast, Kaine saw one of the emotions the man revealed. It was grief. Kaine was shocked on the spot, he stood there with out moving or blinking. The more he looked, the more wider his eyes became. Kaine stood still on the spot like a statue, his expression full of disbelief as he looked straight towards the other person. The other person Kaine was looking at was Victor.

The man in front of Kaine was bearing a powerful aura that can't be concealed. His appearance itself can make the city fall, but with his aura, he seemed like a god. When Kaine was thinking and complimenting the man in his thoughts, he didn't know that Victor was also thinking about him.

Victor's POV

After solving a part of the problem regarding his underground enemy, Victor decided to take a break. He had a habit of coming to the abandoned building to take a look at the bustling city, this place was quiet with no one to disturb.

Over and over again, Victor kept on thinking about the boy. Even though he asked his subordinates to look after the boy, he wasn't satisfied. That was when he asked them to take photos of the boy, day by day passed and looking at the pictures was already becoming a habit he does. No matter how much he looked at them, he never had enough. He wanted the boy, he wants to hold the boy close to him.

Ever since he met Kaine, he always had dreams about him. Not a normal dream, he always had dreams where he 'eats' Kaine and woke up with his bottom wet. He almost couldn't suppress his urge to be with the boy, but he knew, if he brings the boy with him now, the boy would be caught in his feud. He wanted the boy so much to the point where he wants to kidnap the boy.


He came to the abandoned building. When he went to the rooftop, he caught sight of the person he wanted the most. He wanted to run to him, hug him, kiss him, and make him his. But he knew he couldn't, his heart was beating crazily at the sight of the boy but at the same time, his heart hurts.

The boy stood there looking at the city, he said something revealing his regret and sorrow deep in his heart. At that moment, I had the urge to kill whoever made him sad, but the moment he turned towards me, I forgot that feeling as he looked at me with surprise. He stood there staring straight at me, the thing that people usually avoid doing.

His deep bright eyes was staring at me, I didn't want him to look at anyone but me. I was captivated by his beauty. He had a bright and beautiful blue eyes, silky black hair, straight nose, red lips, and pale skin. In the light of the sun, the air around him turned gentle and looked as if the boy came out of a painting. Victor also found that the boy in front of him is radiating a pure and elegant aura, which caused his heart to speed up.

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