Chapter Ten

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Worked on this past few days when I had the chance.

Who's ready for another Mic Drop moment?

-B. 😉😉😉😉

(Juliet's POV)

My grip on Vince's shirt tightened to the point where it almost hurt. Ottavio stood feet away with a grin on his face that made me uncomfortable.

"How about the three of us make our way upstairs to have a proper talk? It's hard for an old man like me to stand for long." He said.

Vince looked around the room before talking.

"Not until my guys regain full consciousness and my wife makes a phone a call." Vince said.

His grandfather stared at us for a minute or so before agreeing.

"Amadeo, escort them upstairs once they are finished." Ottavio ordered one of the men before leaving.

Once he was gone, I called Stefano and Vince checked on the others.

"Jules! Are you okay?" Stefano asked.

"I'm fine. We're all fine."

"What's going on?"

"We'll explain everything later. Just tell the others that we're all okay. Tell the boys and Nikolay as well."

"Yes, ma'am." He sighed.

As Vince checked on the others, a slightly dizzy Gio and I went to get their things. I had remembered seeing them in one of the rooms I'd checked before finding Vince.

We retrieved all their personal items and clothes. Ottavio or someone had changed them all into a plain white t-shirt and hospital type pants.

I kept my eyes on Vince the whole time they guys changed because Vince refused to let me wait outside the room.

"Gio, I want you guys to head on back to the safe house. Stefano and the others are waiting." Vince ordered.

"But Boss,"

"No buts. Juliet and I will be fine."

"Yes, Sir."

Amadeo then took Vince and I upstairs to where his grandfather was waiting.

"Tea? Maybe some coffee?" Ottavio offered.

"No, we want an explanation." Vince said, refusing to sit down.

His grandfather sighed. "Where do I start?"

"How about the night Nikolay Vasiliev's father supposedly killed you?" I suggested.

"We knew he was coming for us. We knew about what was going on between our two families. We were aware about what my son was doing and how things went after he....died."

"So what? You hid?"

"We knew when Vasiliev was coming and we found others who could be....substitutes for us. Vasiliev was too arrogant and pissed off to actually check to see if it was us he was killing."

"So you had an innocent family murdered?" I asked.

Ottavio smiled at me. "That worse than anything your husband has ever done?"

"Why stay hidden?" Vince asked.

"At that time, your aunt has just given birth to her son. Your grandmother had been diagnosed with cancer. It was too much of a risk for us to announce that we were still alive. It was safer to hide. Plus, when people think you're dead, you can't go on living as you did."

The Devil's Fallen Angel (Angels of the Underworld: Book 4) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now