Chapter One

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Why does the first and last chapter always seem like the hardest to write?

Ugh. 🙄

(Juliet's POV)

"Do you have to go?"



"Because I do."


"Because it's important."

"More important than me?"

"Don't be stupid."

"You're the one being stupid."

"Am I though? You're the woman who is in her mid forties who is throwing a temper tantrum."

"I'm throwing a tantrum because you're being stupid."

"Sooooo, how's it going in here?" Stefano interrupted by barging in.

"He's being stupid."

"She's throwing a tantrum."

"So nothing new."

"Did you need something of importance?" Vince asked, getting even more annoyed.

"Just to let you know that the jet is fueled up and ready whenever you are."

Vince looked at me and stuck my lip out in a pout.

He sighed. "I'll be leaving in the morning."

I pouted more.

"Afternoon. I'll be leaving in the afternoon."

"Yes, sir." Stefano grinned before leaving.

Once was out of the room, I walked over and sat on Vince's lap. He automatically cupped my face in his hand and ran his thumb over my bottom lip.

"I won't be gone long, Moglie. I promise you."

"But we haven't been apart for longer than like seven hours in years."

"I know."

"You're sure I can't come with you?"

"Sadly, I'm sure."

I sighed. "Fine."

"I'll call you everyday, Bambina."

"You have to call me and FaceTime me everyday. Text me every hour. Be careful. Stay safe."

"I will. I promise." He said kissing my nose. "You gotta promise me some things to."

"Let's hear them."

"Don't go out of this house alone and try not to leave for anything except grocery shopping. Try and get some sleep. Eat three meals a day. Answer every time I call or text you. Don't burn the house down. Let Stefano or Phoenix answer the door if someone knocks."

"Is that all?"

"There's more but I'll write them down." He grinned.

Hours later, we laid in bed but refused to sleep. We laid in silence wrapped in each other's arms.

"I love you." I said, gently tracing one of his scars.

"I love you too. It'll only be for a short while, Moglie. Not even a month."

"Anything longer than twelve hours is to long. I'm going to be lonely."

"How the f*ck are you going to be lonely? Half this house is filled with people. Lord knows, Stefano never f*cking leaves now that Phoenix moved in."

"I'm always lonely without you."

"That doesn't sound healthy."

"Have we ever been healthy? Specifically when it comes to our relationship."

"Touché. You have the dog to keep you company."

"He doesn't cuddle like you do. Neither does Stefano."

"You've cuddled with Stefano?"

"And Phoenix. Last time you had to work late, we had a movie night in the living room and made a pillow/blanket fort."

"Mhmm I see."

"Don't worry, I didn't enjoy it very much. They suck at cuddling. Cuddle rankings go: you, the dog, Phoenix, and then Stefano."

"Well no cuddling with anyone but the dog while I gone."

"Yes, sir."

"Now, let's try and get some sleep." He said pulling the covers up higher and pulling me impossibly closer to his side.

The next afternoon came quicker than I wanted it to.

"Don't cry." Vince said as we said goodbye at the door.

"I'm not." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.

He pulled me in for a bruising kiss before letting me go.

"Remember the rules I gave you."

"Remember the ones I gave you."

"I will. I love you."

"I love you." I said hugging him one last time.

"Take care of her."

"We will, Vince." Stefano said from behind me.

"Ricorda cosa ti ho detto. Ricorda di ricordare agli altri se necessario." He said in Italian, so that I didn't understand.
(Remember what I told you. Remember to remind the others if necessary.)

"Lo farò."
(I will.)

As he got into the car and started down the driveway, Stefano pulled me against his side.

"Don't worry, Jules. Next week or two will fly by."

"I hope so."

"How about another movie night tonight?" He offered.

I shrugged.

"Grey's Anatomy night?" Phoenix offered.

"Can we order a pizza?"

"F*ck, we'll order six." Stefano said.

"Plus a cake from the bakery." Phoenix added.

Before our Grey's Anatomy night, I spent my time doing some cleaning around the house and spent a hour or two in the library. When I went to change into my pajamas, I ended up putting on one of Vince's t-shirts and a pair of his boxer briefs. It was then that I got a text message.

From: Marito❤️👑
Landed safely. Going to eat now. Love you. ❤️

To: Marito❤️👑
Love you. 💜

"Pizza is here!" Stefano yelled causing me to rush downstairs.

"Vince landed in Italy." I said as we settled down in the couch.

"He'll be fine, Jules. He's in his home country. He's almost more royalty over there than he is here."

"I'm aware."

Vince is in Italy for some business. Business that I can't be near or apart of. Business that required him to take Giovanni and fifteen of this other men, all of them high ranking. Says it should only take a week or two, a month max.

Won't tell me what business it is or why it requires his top men. Says it's none of my business and safer that I don't know.

Hopefully Stefano is right and the time will fly by. Only time will tell.

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