Chapter Fourteen

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Who do you have to thank for this chapter?

My insomnia.

Good luck.

And remember....this book isn't going to be that long, so not that many chapters left.

-B. 🤷🏼‍♀️😬

(Vince's POV)

Doc arrived just as Juliet passed out.

"Vince, I can't do my job properly when you're hovering like that. Leave." Doc ordered.

I was going to argue but I didn't. I left the room and ordered Gio to stay. Stefano came with me cause Doc also kicked him out.

"What do we do?" He asked.

"Let's uh....let's go check on everyone. Make sure no one else is hurt to bad."


We walked around the house and then checked the outside perimeter. All together, only one of our men died. The rest had non-life-threatening injuries.

As we approached the front door, there were a couple men standing on the porch.

"I wasn't in the mood earlier. I'm not in the mood now." I growled at them as we walked by.

"Who are they?" Stefano asked.

"Vincenzo, we're family." Ottavio said, following us inside.

"F*ck you, f*ck your family, and f*ck off." I hissed.

"We never finished our talk."

That was it. That was the last straw.

Faster than he could blink, I had him against the nearest wall by his throat.

"I don't give a single f*ck that you're an old man. I will crush your throat just like I did your son's. I will crush your throat and then I'll move onto the next person. Because of your f*cking antics, because you kept me locked in your f*cking basement my enemies used my absence as an opportunity to attack. That attack got one of my best friends and my wife shot. So, as far as I'm concerned, this is all your f*cking fault. I've tortured men for less. Just because we share blood, that doesn't mean shit to me. I can put a bullet in your head just as easy as I can to a stranger. Say one more word to me and I will end you. Understand?"

He nodded and I dropped him.

"You're as evil as they say." Vito said form behind me.

"Try me. I f*cking dare you." I growled.

He held up his hands. "I mean no harm or disrespect. I am here out of concern for my brother and his family."

"Boss, is he..." Stefano said.

"Vito Bianchi. Vince's older brother. Nice to meet you."

" as well...I guess." Stefano said looking at me.

"You're Stefano, right? The bodyguard?"

"That's me. If you're his older brother, doesn't that mean that...."

He trailed off, but we all knew his question.

The Devil's Fallen Angel (Angels of the Underworld: Book 4) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now